Forum Post: the #occupy movement, what is it really and what can you do?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 13, 2011, 12:31 p.m. EST by Danaan
This content is user submitted and not an official statement This is what they want you to do.
What you can do: Inform everyone and start learning, gather all info on what is really going on from the net and spread those fine gems of true knowledge. Get each others details so you can keep in contact.
We can demand some concrete action now.
Instead of letting the corporate media take the lead, we start making the news by surrounding the TV stations with our message: Accountability NOW!
And we can start with Congress, where we already have evidence that the majority of them have been illegally insider trading. They have admitted it because they thought the media would cover their asses saying it is 'perfectly legal', however there is no exemption for Congress, insider trading is illegal for everyone. This is how we throw those bastards out right now! Occupy the SEC! Congress is Illegally Insider Trading, but SEC Is too Busy Cracking Down on Kettle Chips
Occupy the Corporate Media
Occupy the SEC
anyone? anyone?
Big posters around the stations and a lifestream on the occupy web. Ill throw it in the group here as well, great idea!
"Ill throw it in the group here as well"
Thank you!
Cool! Global action :)
that would be sweet!
I wrote a lengthy response which didn't post for some reason so I'll just state, that the videos seek to divert our attention away from the 1%, bankers and corporations; and focus it upon OWS, communists, black militants and left wingers as the immediate danger.
It uses divide and conquer psyops=psychological operations, with a few truths thrown in as bait; to encourage us to attack OWS and elements of the working class, rather than the oligarchy.
No it teaches us to be carefull and not to accept whatever command is thrown at us. Thinking for yourself is the way forward. Educate yourself. Lets make the camp ours! That one little mistake they made is going to cost them. We are not stupid! We are all united in camps around the globe. And we know the plan. Now we can start a new community within the 99% movement. a 100% ok one. Are you in?
I wrote a lengthy response which didn't post for some reason so I'll just state, that the videos seek to divert our attention away from the 1%, bankers and corporations; and focus it upon OWS, communists, black militants and left wingers as the immediate danger.
It uses divide and conquer psyops=psychological operations, with a few truths thrown in as bait; to encourage us to attack OWS and elements of the working class, rather than the oligarchy.
o the older presure from above and below video shows that there is ddistraction from the elite to others communists, black militants and left wingers as you name it. ows did not even exist in those years man.
Article 5 convention NOW!
The only way to avoid the trap set by the elite running both sides.
Lessig power point on article V
Lots of facts here about Article V.
Article V conference, Lawrence Lessig at harvard 9/25/11-other attendee video comments
The premise that OWS is a carefully engineered manipulation of the power elites, intended to create social chaos, violence and disruption; doesn't answer to the fact; that it is the stratified system of social and economic injustice and inequities; that bring people into an engineered movement.
I'm quite sure the so called radical left would't be out there in the streets if the right wing had effectively leveled the playing field, and returned the republic to a state of constitutionality and economic justice; but as we have seen; neither the Republicans; Tea Party, or End The Fed; have created the structural and political changes...neither have the Democrats or left wing.
If OWS were to peter out; we're stll left with a dangerous and pathological 1%, and an obedient, complicit 99% who follow orders; all the problems remain. The two propaganda videos shift the focus from the tyranical death dealing oligarchy, and blames communists, black militants, left wingers, and OWS.
It also conveniently pits blacks and Jews as adversaries, when in the decade of the 60's; Jews were some of the strongest supporters of the Civil Rights movement; and Jews and blacks worked and were beaten and even killed working together to end American Apartheid and Jim Crow. So the two videos, while having several grains of truth, to capture our interest; are themselves tools of disinformation and manipulation; meant to divert us away from the bankers and power elite; and turn the anger and focus upon ourselves, the 99%....very clever indeed.
This could be summoned up as divide and conquer psyops=psychological operations and warfare on we the people; although it's true, most movements are manipulated from within, and without, as the power elties look on in amusement.
try look at the videos again. nowhere is there any propaganda against the 99 movement in the training video, it simply states where it comes from and who is funding it and training these people to set up the camps. The Canvas trainer himself is interviewed too. Recognise him? Also no politics were hurt during the making of this film. Jews were alas send to southpark, eeh southbound. There is no mention of this, only of monies paid by USA not mentionning Jews to fund Canvas. And a bit on democracy and economic gloom in Tunis. The whole deviding thing you aim at here has no merit. people are people no matter where they are from. So what do you want to do?