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Forum Post: The Occupy movement is working!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 7:43 a.m. EST by chadmunsey (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

How do I know?

The right wing "talking heads" around here are becoming increasingly more shrill.

They know there has been a 180 degree turn around. And, they weren't prepared!

Now, they are the ones being accused of "Tilting at Windmills"!!

Hilarious and quite delicious!!



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[-] 1 points by chadmunsey (1) 13 years ago

Justcommonsense, I disagree things are going to change. The middle class get these protests...

While, I respect the G8 protests, most people couldn't understand what they were about.

The beauty of Occupy protests is that they can be summed up by a single sound bite. WE ARE THE 99%!!! People can wrap their heads around that!

[-] 1 points by JustCommonSense (17) 13 years ago

Nothing will change as a result of this movement. The protests at the G8 summits have gone on for years and what's really changed? Oh that's right..... nothing. At the very most a few countries have had their debt reduced or forgiven and that's about it.

[-] 1 points by seaglass (671) from Brigantine, NJ 13 years ago

They're becoming nastier on all their media outlets as well. They're just Wall st's. mouthpieces ,so no surprise there.

[-] 1 points by chadmunsey (1) 13 years ago

Wow, I didn't know I was so diabolical! Please help me control my supernatural powers!

But, to tell the truth you have found me out. I'll tell everyone involved the plot has been revealed, and that they should all go home.

[-] 1 points by ThisWeWillDefend (30) 13 years ago

Really, we know your scheme of gradual anarchy. You are not fooling anyone.