Forum Post: The Occupy Movement. A Socialist Movement?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 5:42 p.m. EST by fig
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Alright everyone, lets do away with our liberty, the right to own property and let the government run and own everything! Distribute goods and services based on the principle of individual merit and individual contribution!
And while we're at it lets join hands and sing kumbaya.
Or perhaps we can be realistic and make a move towards self sustainability in North America. Live within our means and without debt.
Pay off your loans and stop borrowing. Everyone do a bank run, withdraw everything you have for a week, (Leaving enough in your accounts for any bills that will auto withdraw of course) the banks are only required to keep so much currency on hand. Something needs to be done with the goalless, leaderless, pointless movement to make it worthwhile.