Forum Post: The Occupy Doctrines: Occupy IS - PRO-Israel, PRO-Zionist, PRO-jew, Anti-White, Anti-Christian, Anti-Heterosexual, Anti-Family, Anti-Middle Class, Anti-Labor, Anti-Morality, Anti-Self Sufficient = Occupy are Shabbos Goy - doing the jew's dirty work
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 11:22 a.m. EST by OccupyDogmas
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
that about sums it up
Provide supporting arguments or be dismissed as reactionary fanatic. Hollow assertions don't cut it.
This looks suspiciously like someone is announcing their own beliefs, which presumably would be the opposite of these listed here, i.e., anti-israel, anti-zionist,pro-White, pro-Christian, etc. It certainly doesn't apply to the majority of comments I have encountered here. Of course, hardly anyone cares, which is probably why it is posted here.
This post is a reminder of what we are fighting against: bigotry and hate.
I believe you have a very simple minded thought process right now and should expand your horizon a little further. Please do not think I am insulting you. I just want you to think a little harder. Thank you for your time!
scared little kids,full of fox factor,can't see straight..
Has anyone heard the hatred which is spewed out on a daily basis on Judeovision/Talmudvision and Radio Talmud? Constant muslim and christian bashing all day long....amazing. The United States of AmeriKa we have surely become....what's best for Israel, AIPAC, the jewish banking cartel, etc is most important - this is simply a fact not "antisemitism."
Where did you get your Mossad training? Do they compensate you well?
Oy Va!