Forum Post: the next step (revisited) (again?)
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 7:48 a.m. EST by demosthenes11280
from Harrisburg, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
we need to mobilize these occupations. its getting cold in the north, so lets move south. if we can coordinate with our brothers and sister in warmer locations, im sure we would find many who would be willing and able to open their homes and land to occupiers. we could also help grow the movement in places where there may be few occupiers by increasing their numbers and helping them get attention while en route to warmer locales. there are also plenty of farmers who are pretty angry--they may be willing to provide shelter if we provide labor. we can occupy the farms and occupy the food supply. this would give us many advantages--some self evident and immediate (we would have our own organic food supply, for starters), and others that would manifest in different ways, depending on the situation. when we are stable, we move east to dc and/or new york, and occupy them, but in numbers too large to be contained--millions, ideally, 1% of our population is 3,000,000--that leaves us with 297,000,000--if we can get even 5% of the 99%, thats almost 15,000,000 people. jim morrison seemed to like those odds--"5 to 1 baby, 1 in 5." we could shut down, literally, at least one or both of those cities with those kinds of numbers. then they would have no choice but to listen, would they? our one demand should be "get out." short, simple, and pretty much sums up what we are all thinking, right? i mean, how can we ever trust these people again? they are liars, cheaters, thieves, they will promise us change, may even enact new laws and regulations, but they will just fill them with new loopholes. they have proven time and again that they do not care about us at all--we are simply the fodder and the shit of this great beast the 1% has created. it is time we wake up and realize that no matter what they promise to do, they will not legislate themselves out of existence, nor will they make themselves illegal. this means, in order to create a REAL change, and a chance to try it our way--organically and democratically--they simply need to GET OUT--hence our one demand.we also need to be willing to lose the "shit"--the phones, the gadgets, toys, and shiny little trinkets they use to trade for our hearts, souls and minds. it is time we reject materialism as something natural and good, and revert to a more basic system based on community, mutual respect, compassion, harmony and balance with our planet and each other, and understanding of the roles we all must fill--it can only work if we change our personal focus from ME and MINE to US and OURS.