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Forum Post: The Next Step for OccupyWallStreet - Make them listen

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 10:12 p.m. EST by phatbread9 (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

There's been a lot of talk about where the Occupy Wall Street movement should go from here. The next step should be getting American businesses (including Wall St. firms) to take some sort of action.

The Occupy Wall Street movement is about the frustration stemming from corporate greed to boost profits at the expense of the greater society. Ultimately we have to make corporate America know that such things as ethics exists and that we the American people are watching our business institutions.

I propose that we create an American Business Code of Ethics. Lawyers have a code of ethics. Doctors and other healthcare professionals have a code of ethics. However business professionals and MBAs do not. Quite the opposite of ethics many business professionals believe that their role is to game the system in whatever way possible in order to boost their share prices. While this may make for short-term profit, ultimately it is bad in the long run for the business and for America.

We need to make business professionals and managers in corporate America understand it is fundamentally wrong to deceive the American public through either fraudulent information or business practices or questionable financial statements.

I propose that we create a list of demands for business ethics and we send it to the CEOs of each Fortune 500 companies! We get them to sign off that they support ethics in business! Our list of demands will make news organizations and the press! If the CEOs ignore our demands then we have more firepower to rile the rest of America!

We have the media coverage. We have the manpower. Now we will make them listen. An American Business Code of Ethics is the best way we can fight corporate greed.



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[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

I still believe the primary objective of the movement should be a demand to remove all corporate and bankster influence from politics. Overturn and outlaw "Citizens United". That would be a cornerstone victory.

Get that won, and everything else should fall into place.