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Forum Post: The Next Bold Steps to Grow the Movement...College Chapters!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 3:45 a.m. EST by MarkDuwe (127)
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There is an organization which has a great history and much experience at doing what we want to do. We should join forces with 'Students for Democratic Society'. Check out their website: http://www.newsds.org/ They already have chapters at colleges across the country and it wouldn't take long to bring it to the world. If you google 'SDS Occupy Wall St' A few pages will show up where members of the SDS say they stand in solidarity with the 99%.

Of all current students, what percent has already got more debt than they know what to do with? Well, that's one statistic I couldn't find readily, but I'm betting one of you guys could come up with it, and I'm betting it's at least 50%.

I would hope this would result in protests worlwide at college campuses.

We can protest student loan debt, rising tution, bad education, whatever we want or need.



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[-] 1 points by dkozask (27) 13 years ago

You won't have much luck on college campuses - at least from that many students. Most at good colleges are driven, having worked hard to get into college, which is more competitive than ever. OWS people are seen as lazy. Furthermore, not everyone expects to get something for nothing, like you. What college do you attend or graduate from?

[-] 1 points by dkozask (27) 13 years ago

Should students not pay back loans they signed up for? Yeah!! And have others pay off my home, too!! Why be accountable or responsible!? Can't wait to teach my kids these valuable life lessons!

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

You know, the original SDS was heavily infiltrated by the Feds back in the late '60's and early '70's, I presume to keep tabs on campus protests against the Vietnam war. I'm not suggesting this version has also been compromised, just wanted to throw some history your way. Food for thought, you know?

[-] 1 points by MarkDuwe (127) 13 years ago

Your speaking of 'Operation Co-Intel'. That is something that always must be considered. Recently there were a group of Syrians protesting near the UN. They had a mole, and some others were taking pictures of the protesters. About a week later it showed on the news where the parents of some of the protestors were beaten severly, in Syria. This is something to be expected.

I will predict this, though. Barack Obama will lose to a Conservative Republican, and as this administration goes the Tea Party will let him know if he is being conservative enough. He will never be conservative enough.

Want to go to college? Better have the cash. No more minimum wage or time and a half hourly pay. Healthcare? Your on your own!