Forum Post: !!! The new, the "SET" bill !!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 11:49 a.m. EST by ProphetRiel
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
@ on the Revolution page I say how the SET bill (Selective Employment Treaty) bill can employ everyone by each person only works 5 days a month spread out in a month. The other days will be given to other people scrolled through a list! Please help get this bill passed to Barack Obama and the White House! You can help by emailing them with this bill, just tell the the name SET and the idea of it, copy and paste! Let's do this, REVOLUTION!
That is one strange web site..
Thank you, It's different, it's unique. Godbless.
Thats a real dumb idea!
No it's not, it's scraping the old method with greed and simplifing it to a systematic process.
Let's do this!!
Let's get it poppin
I've heard about this, but you're still only scratching the surface of the problem.
Well I know it faces opposition from greed the 1% but we the people can pass this bill. Republicans call it socialism new world order even, but greed and the messed up system is the dictatorship!
people only working 5 months a year
I know, greedy people don't work they just throw money at stuff!