Forum Post: The New Covenant/World Bill of Rights
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 8:49 a.m. EST by wnkinc
from Bodega Bay, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Let each of us share all the world, the Kingdom of God, and call one place of our choosing our own, and be free to come and go in the world and stay at any dwelling place accommodating travelers.
Let each of us give of ourselves to the extent of our ability to the One World Company, and in return all things shall be added unto us.
Let each of us be judged only by our conscience in God, and let no people judge their fellow beings, but rather take judgement of their own thought and action.
Let no person or group hold any authority over another, except that people be willingly led by wisdom and true personality.
Let the government be of the people, where the people are self-governed; by the people, where the people enjoy perfect freedom; for the people, where the people give themselves abundant living.
Let the government seat be only the storehouse and inventory of the people's products.
Let all things be done unto edification, for God is not the author of confusion
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