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Forum Post: The New Common Sense - A Proposed Declaration of Interdependence

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 11:58 p.m. EST by Amanita76 (88) from New Haven, CT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

This document goes beyond politics. It has the potential to move this movement out of partisan left-right bickering and into serious intellectual discussion about how to get this country back on track. The main premise lies in the fact that until we institute a government of, by, and for the people, corporations will still hold their disproportionate influence on political decision making.

Full Text: http://anoncentral.tumblr.com/post/12409353866/for-the-99-the-new-common-sense-must-distribute


SECTION I: The Right to Equal Participation in Government has been taken from the People and is explained. — A Plan is offered to restore the Right to Equal Participation that requires only the use of tools and procedures that have already been proven to work. — The restoration of Equality must take priority above all and reasons are given. — Outside damaging influences must no longer be allowed privileged access to Elected Representatives in a Constitutional Republic. — An Offer in Compromise that would reunite this Nation with its Foundation is clearly stated. — A clear, workable and simple method by which we may rebuild ourselves as a Prosperous Nation and return to being One Hundred Percent is explained. — A New Litmus Test of our government is declared and explained. — A plan and petition to rebalance the Branches of Government is outlined in detail.

SECTION II: Monitions are forwarded to our Leaders, to the Congress in specific, to the Media, to Law Enforcement and the Domestic Militia, and to the “1%” — A direct message and plea for the “99%” from the author(s).



Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by joemotor (13) 13 years ago

I have been promoting this document for 2 weeks, I've read it many times and it is what you say it is. It describes what is wrong and how to fix it (our broken system) It is a must read. It is long (20 pages) and sadly many people just won't read anything long. We need to read the Constitution and read this new document, our country is really messed up and deserves to be saved from those that are destroying it. Please read and share. Here is a link for those who wish to listen to it : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQMtM0LuK_4

[-] 2 points by Amanita76 (88) from New Haven, CT 13 years ago

What has been the reception for you with this document? I distributed a couple copies of this but, am still waiting for people to take it in. Its a great corollary to the 99% Declaration(https://sites.google.com/site/the99percentdeclaration/)

At Occupy New Haven we took a poll and based off of 40 people(yes I know it low but its still young) with about 20 issues the number one and two issues were ending corporate personhood and getting money out of politics, respectively. Hopefully the nation will get behind these issues and stop saying "end capitalism!"

[-] 1 points by nowoccupy (40) 13 years ago

It's been introduced officially at Occupy Portland (and some others I believe). The document deals with those two issues very well... especially the part about "The Special Interest Branch". Getting the money out of politics is exactly what it's talking about. Corporate personhood would also be dealt with during the audit it talks about in the "Petition" section. It's great stuff. Right on point.

[-] 1 points by Amanita76 (88) from New Haven, CT 13 years ago

A story came out a couple days ago on 60 minutes that shows how people in congress can do insider trading with non public info. Ive already posted the video on the host website for the new common sense. This MUST be included in that document under the legislature.

Full story here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3DZh1109W8


[-] 1 points by nowoccupy (40) 13 years ago

This document is AMAZING. It gives us a cause yet doesn't ignore our issues. OWS needs to adopt this in addition to everything else. It can only help.
