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Forum Post: The needed focus pt1

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 2:52 p.m. EST by Fire (0) from Las Vegas, NV
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Occupy Wall Street... the problem I see with your efforts. First and foremost, I'm with you and agree something needs to be done; the problem is with your effectiveness, which is the result of a narrowly focused understanding of the problem. It's like a doctor treating the pain only of a patient with a broken arm, re-setting the bone and applying a cast to immobilize the problem will fix it from the root cause, the pain is only an indication of a problem, further training can keep the patient from committing the same mistake that caused the broken arm in the first place. Occupy Wall Street protesters are reacting because of the pain, without identifying the true cause, your efforts will be rebuffed by the 1%, and 50% of the remaining population who have been convinced your cause is unjust. They have listened their whole lives to slanted and misinformation originating from the 1%ers. You need to supply irrefutable information causing the duped public to think... Once they start to think and engage their intellect, they will see the truth, which will cause them to become aware of their ignorance, which in turn will add numbers to your cause. The 1%ers may never change, because they are so deep in their trance of greed, they are like the suicide radical Muslims, convinced enough that they will sacrifice their lives for their cause, thinking they are right, even though they are not. The root cause of the problem is "greed", but solving that problem could prove to be impossible, so, creating rules that circumvent the problem works best, however, there were rules in place years ago which have been removed and altered over the last generation, slowly but surely, in a organized fashion by the 1% who control the government now. Fifty years ago, swinging a cute little kitty-cat around in a bag before killing it wasn't an enforceable crime, just a funny thing to do to pass the time, but people who thought differently over the last 50 years, have changed all of that by informing the public of how sick and demented a person must be that does such a cruel thing to little defenseless critters. Now it is seen for what it really is, a horrible and cruel act, performed by a sick individual who is ostracized until they understand the severity of their actions. The majority of the 1% are doing to our society, cruelty on a scale that is unimaginably worse than swinging kitty-cats around in bags before killing them, all under the guise of "it's just business". Until they are taught, along with the duped, that "business as usual" is a sick and demented result of greed, nothing will change dramatically. Until that is accomplished, there are other tactics which can help to change the tide of greed. First, our government must be changed back to being, "a government of the people, for the people". Our politicians have been corrupted or brainwashed into believing they serve the corporations and the 1%... not the people! Why does Bank Of America or Microsoft have more sway than one 19 year old Wall Street protester? The 19 year old is a human, a voter, a citizen of this country, a person who has inherited inalienable rights afforded him or her by George Washington and millions of dead soldiers fighting over the last 236yrs to give him or her the right to dictate how this country should be run... but that isn't the case right now. The protesters are being beaten, gassed, shot and arrested by the orders of Corporations which can't even cast one vote in this country. The police follow their orders handed down from their lieutenant, Captain, division chief, Chief, Mayor, Governor and finally the Corporate leaders following the rules of the Corporation. We are all being ruled by money, Corporations, and soulless entities designed to enrich the 1%. To sway the public, or more to the point, brainwash the public, our government claims the reason for dispersing the protesters are: public sanitation, trash problems and crime. So, instead of assisting the citizens of this country, which they have all sworn a solemn oath to do, they arrest and harass. The financial cost to send legions of cops to harass and harm its citizens is far greater than assisting them by supplying potable potties and trash pickup, along with humanitarian supplies, but that isn't the reason for dispersing the protesters is it? The reason is because the Corporations and 1% demand it. The protesters are hampering the efforts of the 1% to acquire everything! Which in the end will destroy even the 1%, after their hosts squashed out.



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