Forum Post: The NDAA and the Death of the Democratic State
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 12, 2013, 1:05 a.m. EST by TrevorMnemonic
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“What our case comes down to is: Are we going to have a civil justice system in the United States or a military justice system? The civil justice system is something that is ingrained in the Constitution. It was always very important in combating tyranny and building a democratic society. What the NDAA is trying to impose is a system of military justice that allows the military to police the streets of America to detain U.S. citizens, to detain residents in the United States in military prisons. Probably the most frightening aspect of the NDAA is that it allows for detention until ‘the end of hostilities.’ ”
No evidence needs to be provided, it's top secret. It's the death penalty or life in a military prison overseas without a trial. Because no one has ever been falsely accused in the history of time. Khalid El-Masri never happened.
Court cases can be thrown out just because a politician or the CIA says national security? See how that goes. Trust the same people who brought you indefinite wars with indefinite detention.
Great article by chris hedges below
I don't understand the down votes. That question between military justice system and civil justice system is huge.
If you have not read this yourself---do so. This is from 09/12/12:,14&as_vis=1
The government could have ended this twice but chose not to.
Excellent post. I considered posting it myself earlier but decided to go with Glen Greenwalds piece instead.
Both great. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on Chris Hedges' statements at 4:30 in this video
Well I hate to say it but I fear Hedges could be right. I know it may be silly to think this but I genuinely am afraid that the economy and the food system could collapse in the next 20 yrs because of global warming. I'm scared it could send the whole planet into a mad max road warrior seneario. I hope that it can be averted but I have no faith that anybody in a position of power will do anything about it. In fact those in power seem hell bent on speeding up the process
National Defense Authorization Act
The war on terror was a propaganda piece.
Where is the justification for this bill?
there isn't one. Chris Hedges lays it out nicely in this video here at 4:30 seconds.
Thanks. He nails it alright.
" Are we going to have a civil justice system in the United States or a military justice system? "
I think that sums up what this is perfectly. Obama "promising" to never use it- what kind of fool listens to this shit- is meaningless when you consider what has been created. Its bigger than him. The CIA doesnt even need to report to the president.
Creating a military justice system....hopefully that line is the one that snaps the remaining faithful from their slumber.
they already are using it. Bradley Manning is a prime example. And they've already used it to kill Americans without a trial. His entire signature statement was a fucking lie.
According to these laws, the CIA can just kill people and keep it top secret. There is no outline of a process, or reporting that needs to be done on this. And the way they've dismissed cases in regards to the drones that killed Americans show they do not have to report anything they do.
It's the death penalty without a trial. Because no one has ever been falsely accused in the history of time.