Forum Post: The
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 8:08 p.m. EST by DavitchFarynVago
from Massena, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Basically what this consists of is the "leaderless" movement, trying to hold onto control of a movement that has broken away from it's control. Trying to re-direct this forum to this website is pointless, useless, and a bit amusing from my point of view. DavitchFarynVago
What is the multitude trying to do that's not being done here?
That is exactly what I am saying...
Control over the forum, maybe. Control over the movement, hardly. People are moving away from this forum because there is an abundance of posts here that openly want nothing to do with the movement, and seek only to disrupt those who want to communicate regarding it.
It has nothing to do with controlling the movement, but maintaining a viable venue to discuss it.
Greed and lack of communication will be your downfall. Remember you heard it from me first. The very things that stand to unite you will soon begin to divide you. You want to ban me? Go ahead. But you do so at your peril. Free thought is not always free and free speech comes at the price of defending the speech we often abhor. Your "mastermind" is not so much a mind as it is a master. You are just making mistakes others have made before you that you don't even know you are making. I may be on the outside looking in. But the fishbowl you are in is getting smaller by the day.
People often mistake forums for free speech venues. Forums are generally for on-topic discussions, and they have rules for not disrupting others, as well they should, which aids that little communication issue you speak of.
This forum has such rules too, but doesn't enforce them very often due to staffing problems.
If you want free speech, the place to go is actually outside.
Yes. You are right. But your method of warning someone who makes a mistake as he enthusiastically conveys a thought or mistakenly wanders off-topic is to crush him or her. That kind of tyranny will find you in a place down the road where all tyrants end. And your "movement" will end like all movements such as these do, wrapped in sedition and lined up against a wall facing a firing squad.
"your method of warning someone who makes a mistake"
I don't think you've experienced my particular methodology. Of course in a free-for-all such as this forum, anyone can and will spout off at "the noobz" who make mistakes. Hence the necessity for a more moderated forum.
Why are you here? Are you slumming? This isn't THE MULTITUDE? This is the gutter of OWS. You are trying to shift everyone's focus (at least the forum focus there!) Tell me...why are you here?
To help the movement by bringing people there from here. I contribute prolifically there too, don't worry.
No disrespect...I'm sure you play a part as must we all...but I have other peons to if you will excuse me...I have to be moving along now...I been banned....back to the salt mines and all...have a good one...
You're still thinking within the box. This movement can't be reduced to existing models. And that is exactly was Occupy is about. It can't be controlled.
If they lose it on the net...they lose it all....
Nothing...of substance...
We'll see....