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Forum Post: The Movement

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 12:53 p.m. EST by Akira (7)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I urge people in this time of change to consider the plausible

solutions to this economic crisis we are protesting against.

If anyone is at all familiar with The Zeitgeist Movement, an

activist group with similar goals of those involved in the

occupation movement, they will know that what we hope to

accomplish is mutual. The media will continue to criticize the

occupiers because for their 'lack of direction', well for

those of you still wondering, a reform of our current economic

system just won't work. And I urge all, including those

actively participating in the occupation movement to also take

the time to research The Zeitgeist Movement and learn, I

believe history is in the making if we as a people go about

this in the right way and actually cause a change, for the

better. There has to be understanding for one to embrace

change however, and this can only be achieved through having

an open mind.

Anyone who still has a shred of hope or care for humanity and

this planet,and who desire a way of life not centered on

monetary gain, or for the pursuit of ones own self interest

for profit, and for the elimination of war and poverty, also

side effects of a failing economic system, please, consider

the ideas of The Zeitgeist Movement.

One species, one people, one planet.

A complete paradigm shift is needed.

The time is now





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[-] 1 points by TarigAnter (33) from Khartoum, Khartoum 13 years ago

Occupy Wall Street and Ron Paul are different but together they are the only hopes for the US and the World right now. Obama must go!


[-] 0 points by geminijlw (176) from Mechanicsburg, PA 13 years ago

I think you are misunderstanding. I think if people feel like me, we want to make Democracy work, as it was once conceived by our forefathers. Right now it is not working, but we are why. We have been apathetic, instead of being involved, trusting our elected representatives to work for our good. What we have now is the best government money can buy, so we have to get involved and straighten this out.