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Forum Post: The Most Important Reason To Protest

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 5:03 a.m. EST by TonyGraham (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The real issue concerns with the Occupants is not about the haves and the haves not; it goes way beyond that simplistic media identity. The real reason for the protest is to get the power of government control away from the corporations, Wall Street and large insurance and banking institutions so they can no longer illicit their control over us, our government, and this planet, for personal gain. The demand for resources, new tech sciences, energy and agriculture is only going increase with population growth over coming years. Our minerals and other resources are depleting rapidly, the planets filtering system is being destroyed and choked out by industrial and automotive pollutants, the oceans are warming and affecting the climate, and people all over the world are being driven into poverty, all by this selfish act of greed. We must start doing the right things for the people and this planet...and as long as this powerful entity of greed exists it will only keep leading us down the path of destruction as a species. This isn’t just an American issue; it is a game changer for our entire species. These protest are happening all over the globe. We have to start eliminating the cancer before we can begin a healing process. Our cancer’s main growth is feeding itself inside the buildings on Wall Street; that is why we are starting there. There will be a fight, and that fight will be instigated by those whose only compassion lies with money and power. You are not part of that equation. People are finally realizing that if they don't act now, everyone loses. This is the real underlying reason for the protests on Wall Street and around the world.




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[-] 1 points by malikov (443) from Pasadena, CA 13 years ago

We live once and then we die, but before that we have to work hard for others to profit and enjoy the results of our efforts. It's sick twisted, what is it for? And the realization finally soaks in. We make countries, we make businesses, we are the people!