Forum Post: The most biblically hostile President of all time?
Posted 12 years ago on March 9, 2012, 7:43 a.m. EST by onetime
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Posted 12 years ago on March 9, 2012, 7:43 a.m. EST by onetime
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
That is the most ignorant form of rhetoric I have ever seen, heard, or threw up on!! What ever has been stated goes against the Bill of rights "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." You all have no right and no business throwing this ignorance at the President of the United States with your hypocritical religious fanaticism (the same as those overseas, who you blame for your failures!) There were many examples of religious discrimination written into the constitutions of various states (not the United States of America, Constitution.)during the years following the revolutionary war. Typical laws: Established a loyalty oath for legislators and government employees, requiring them to believe in the Trinity, and/or the divine inspiration of the Bible. Prohibited clergy from holding office. Required legislators to be Protestant Christians. Permitted the state to support the Christian religion from general tax revenue. Granted religious and other human rights only to Christians, or only to theists. Specified "The Protestant Religion" (whatever that meant) to be the established religion of the state. Required citizens to observe the weekly Sabbath or Lord's day.
So, in 1789 the framers of the U.S. Constitution, concerned that European history might repeat itself in the new world, wanted to avoid the continual wars motivated by religious hatred (as does now, everywhere) that had decimated many countries within Europe. They decided that a church/state separation was their best assurance that the U.S. would remain relatively free of inter-religious strife. Many commentators feel that over two centuries of relative religious peace in the U.S. have shown that they were right. Unless you consider yourselves Sovereign citizens, and we know where that leads, you all are out of line and continue to commit treason with dumb-ass comments regarding the President of the United States! You make many of us wonder if there isn't another reason for these unethical unrealistic observations? Come Clean and stop hiding behind the Bible, chickens!
"Ignorant form of rhetoric?"
No it's Propaganda paid for by the One Percenters.
Good post Neu~
beat it atheist
G W Bush was the most Biblically hostile President - i.e. he was obsessed with a particular, extremist interpretation of the Bible, & his resulting supremacist religious (i.e. Biblical) convictions caused him to be hostile (i.e. Biblically hostile) to billions of people.
G W's choice of using the word crusade was no mistake.
Glenn (the smack face liar) Beck????
What is this crap doing here?
Maybe his magic underwear are a bit too tight.
Beck along with O'Reilly, Hannity all tell it like it is. The truth
Really?? When did they start doing that?
Shouldn't Beck still be in Israel waiting for his flotilla?
Yeah, last I heard he was spouting some nonsense about the dollar falling. Weird.
It's falling??
Hurry, go catch it.
No, I mean falling in value. It has to do with economics.
Who's version of economics?
Try a modern look.
So printing more money doesn't cause it to lose value?
Yay! Let's end all taxation and print more! More printing! More printing!
You say that as if you read and understood MMT.
Try again?
Why do we need taxes at all? We can just print more paper to cover debts!
WE don't need federal taxes at all.
Spend a few weeks and read up. Macro economics have nothing in common with a check book.
No, I mean why do we need any taxes at all? If printing money is just as good and doesn't devalue it!
That was a short few weeks.
Read about MMT and understand.
Your question is naive.
Your mom is naive. I guess you know as much as you let on about economics.
I want something that caters to what I already believe! This sounds good!
No Profile Information
Joined March 9, 2012
i.e. TROLL!
Be sure to buy your Gold from Goldline ;) In Beck we Trust.....
David Barton? Liars for Jesus
Meet Chris Rodda Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
You see, here is what people need to understand about David Barton. He knows that he is full of it and he is intentionally lying and he is counting on suckers who are unwilling or too lazy to fact check.
Beck fantasizes that Congress members are meeting about him
No, Mr. Beck, John Adams Did Not Think Governments Must be Administered by the Holy Ghost
No, Mr. Beck, Congress Did Not Print a Bible for the Use of Schools
No, Mr. Beck, Jefferson Did Not Date His Documents "In the Year of Our Lord Christ"
No, Mr Beck, Our Constitution is Not Based on the Book of Deuteronomy
No Mr. Beck, That Wasn't 'Some Professor' -- That Was Me
bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . bwa ha ha ha ha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha HE HE HE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha ….. .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . …….. . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE……………………….. BWA hahaha . . . bwa ha ha ha ha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha HE HE HE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha ….. .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . …….. . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . .
GWB wore his christianity on his sleeve but violated many, many principles (lying, approving the use of torture, approving war, )
whereas Thomas Jefferson compiled in which he cut out all the miracles and just left the philosophy (look up jefferson bible).
I believe the Pharisees condemned Jesus on charges of blasphemy--outright hostility to their scriptures and beliefs.
why do people on this thread hate beck. It reminds me of when the children in this nation started hating hannah montanna who was very talented and one of the only people to make a rated G movie that year. They hate her, yet her concerts sell out every time, my kids never got to see her.
Ive checked out some of the things glenn beck talks about. Its not rhetoric, with exception of the last president's right hand man, who although he did write a book about killing off mankind as a possible way to control population, and it is funny that this guy was hired by bush, I dont sincerely think it was his intent. Although now I wonder, because I saw two separate sources where people were unknowingly sterilized a hospital in california (i just saw this on the news yesterday) and some cherokee indian health clinics also did this some years ago.
it also reminds me of some people who for years, have asked me if I thought the world was out to get me because they couldn't understand why everything worked out for them when I was complaining that it wasnt working out for me. But Kharma is a bitch, one of them who spent the majority of his time away from his family to support rich bankers (which he never got) now has alzheimerz, had his bladder removed, and can no longer have sex with his wife. This guy was one who paid 19k for his house and sold it for 450k to some poor family who probably lost it by now.
The american dream at its finest: slave away your life to pay rich bankers, and then when you retire, you get sick and dont remember anything. I wonder if he gets it now? hmmm
Oh the things I have seen with my own eyes, no one would believe, you wouldnt need to tune in to beck to hear the shit the people of this land put upon others. Praise God I have never done unto others, as they have done to me.
I know that a few things that Beck says once in a while is kind of out there but the majority of the things he says is the honest God's truth