Forum Post: The more laws a nation has the more evil that NATION, and this makes the USA the most evil in human history
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 7:07 p.m. EST by irsfaggot
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yep, 90% of us prez and senate are lawyers, and if you ever do have a nickel in the USA you'll learn first hand how the lawyers and courts ( poorly paid lawyers ) fuck the nation,
The #1 criminals in the USA are the legal system and they have the full backing of the law, cuz they make this FUCKING LAW,
Not a word ever said on OWS about the lawyers? You have to wonder why.
They prefer to go after strawmen 1% the ghosts that don't exist,
But if you look at the cops, prison guards, lawyers, judges, the REAL ASSHOLEs of our USA system it's more like 10% that are the fucking problem, ... so its 90% versus 10%,
But never fear OWS will keep us occupied with wall-st something even they don't understand, but anybody that has been fucked by the COURT-SYSTEM in the USA knows full well that the lawyers are the fucking problem,
Lastly I'll repeat again, you can't even be a prez or senator ... or anything if you ain't a lawyer, and money .. kids who grad from chaphill or any good law school start at $300k/year, they go work a corporate lawyers and after a few years end up as judges or in the government.
The smartest man on earth said "The more laws a nation has the more evil that NATION, and this makes the USA the most evil in human history"
that is until you become as smart as a lawyer then they get fucked by us. Compulsory higher education and civics taught well in high school would eliminate their hold on society, while repealing some of the odious laws.
It's NOT about smart its about the fucking 'bar', which is a boyz club,
Learning english or learning 'civics' can go on forever and never change a fucking thing, like knowing the law.
If you have ever been to court you would know that ALL cases are quid-pro-quo, .e.g. settled before hand out of court, all cases are traded by judges and lawyers like trading cards. It's all a fucking fraud.
CIVICS is a MYTH, and learning MYTHOLOGY will not save your fucking ass.
All power comes from the barrel of a gun - MAO TSE TUNG
The courts and lawyers are backed by the COPS ( GUN ), this is REAL USA.
Your civics ain't worth shit, talk civics to a cop, an see your teeth on the ground.