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Forum Post: The Mission?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 9:53 p.m. EST by jgraham (4) from Chillicothe, IL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I only just recently leared about OWS and what it was about. On many points I agree with the movement. One thing that does concern me is a posting about a list of demands. To me this refers to a hostage negotiation. And as far as I can tell we are not the criminals, but the hostages themselves. A hostage of our own government.

I think a clear consice message, agreed upon by the majority, will go a long way letting them know this is a serious movement, with serious concerns, frustrations, and participants. Not just a group of poor people, or spoiled kids, or anything of the like, which I have seen many people compare us to.

We have people's attention now. Support is growing. Anti-OWS support is growing as well.

We want change. Now. Just because we want change does not mean it will happen. It will not be immediant. It will be a long uphill battle that we will have to fight every step of the way.

So what is the mission? Short term, and long. We need change now, but we also need to formulate how to make long term change. We need the pieces and the big picture.

Personally I think the entire government is corrupt, and the people who are not get railroaded. I think the whole federal and state governments need an overhaul. Every law needs to be looked at and examined. Every bill needs to be examined. Somethings work, others don't. We don't want to live without government, we don't want chaos, that is not out mission nor our goal.

We want to put an end to corporations pay for vote politics.

If I am wrong, please let me know. If you have anything useful to add let me know.



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[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

The short-term mission is to get our message out and build up support, increase our numbers. The long-term mission you already know, you sum it up pretty well in your last paragraph.

[-] 1 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago

I think you are right. This is exactly what we must do first "put an end to corporations pay for vote politics".

Then, I think we, as a country, really need to dig in and figure out what is going on with the Federal Reserve and they banking system in general. I do not understand why interest rates have to be so high? I would like to see a three percent cap on all necessity loans. Think how much this would help the average family in the US.

[-] 1 points by qwiksilver (46) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

Your point is the number one thing that must happen. End the fiction of campaign contributions as "free speech.' Many have stated that there should be no campaign contributions at all. Equal television time to be provided by any outlet that has a government license. No other ad time may be bought by the candidate or any other entity. This levels the field and allows people who do not have the multimillion dollar resources to run making a more representational government in the end.

It is time to end the bought and paid for form of government we have now. This bribed version of democracy we have is just one step above the corrupt oligarchy experienced by our friends south of Texas. (That country is my poster child for "smaller government.")

[-] 1 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago

Yeah, but everytime I think on it, I keep getting stuck on free speech. We can't prevent candidate supporters from posting negative adds and basically financing an entire campaign this way without infringing on their right to free speech. We need to come up with a deterrent. You would think financing one those negative adds would be deterrent enough.