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Forum Post: The Millennium Republic.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 11:37 a.m. EST by mobdog76 (0)
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I would like to start off by saying how unbelievably proud I am of my fellow Americans. This movement has and will continue to inspire millions of our fellow countrymen. We must always remember, we do this for our children and a forgotten generation that was about to for the first time in our great history, loss their place within our system of democracy. Hatred and greed has run ramped for far too long. One can only be inspired by the brave few and the millions to follow this historic path to the new millennium republic, starting a new form of democracy is no easy thing. May I humbly suggest a path to our new form of democracy.

I will not at this time go over all that's wrong with our current system. This would take far too long and solve no immediate problems. A true understanding of what needs to be done first and foremost is the key to our success. Let's start with corporatocracy, this should be the starting point from which we all agree. The very fact that large corporations have far too much influence and power within our current form of government is by far the most damaging aspect to our way of life. The very first order of business should be to eliminate special interests in Washington. We need to have a fair and balanced path to access our elected officials.

The thought process to make this movement a success would need to be multi dimensional, the very same thought process it takes to win a game of chess. Remember all wars are won before they are ever fought. Nothing else we seek can be obtained until we remove corporate access to our elected officials. Once this has been accomplished the ears of Government will no longer be deaf to the demands of the people. Now comes the hard part, how do we accomplish this first step? The current form of Government is unable to get anything accomplished, this proposal will need to be done under the executive order of the president, or by an uprising never seen before in our nation's history!

Above all this movement will need to remain peaceful. There will be many outside forces that will want and need this to become a full blowout riot. We need to stay diligent in our efforts to remain peaceful as long as we can. The only way for our opposition to bring us down will be through violent means. Just as Thomas Jefferson saw a great need to separate church and state, we too see a great need to not only follow his lead, but to add separation of corporation and state!



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