Forum Post: The Military is Spending Billions more on war planes... its time to end Military Spending
Posted 9 years ago on March 1, 2015, 2:19 p.m. EST by jamespeterevanhoe
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The US Military is at it again.......spending money on planes we don't need... in their never ending development of "US made weapons of mass destruction", for wars the Bush Family will either "Let Happen or Create"...... the never ending BS of the US Military and their Wars......Time to change it all.... Time to raise up and Change It for Good....Human Good......!!!
End the spending by Military Contractors and War Mongers...Raise Up!!
End the global violence ... stop the US War Machine .... which is also the largest DRUG CARTEL in the World...killing thousands globally via a network of corruption via Afghanistan setup by the Military....LET TO HAPPEN....involving the..... CIA, VERTOL and corrupt US Military Officials and their bank were they launder their "death money" HSBC (owned by the so-called royal family of Britain the Windsors) and all of this and I mean all of this is known by the Clintons, Obama and Bushs......"""they are the problem"""......!
ITS TIME TO MOVE PAST... their >> "Society of Deliberate Chaos"
1. Death & destruction by Needless Wars - created in large part by Saudi Arabia which is 100% currently financing ISIS.
2. End deliberate failed Bush Economies.....theft via their buddies.... GHW BUSH > 1988.89.90.91...HENRY PAULSON at GoldmanSachs March of 2000-2002....George W Bush > 2008., support all actions against Jeb Bush....the next Bush those actions .."NOW!".
3. End corrupt Banks > HSBC < the single largest money laundering bank for drug cartels globally and corrupt US Military Officials...this is a FACT
4. End.. Wall Street corruption .. which is never ending by GoldmanSachs examples: The Tech Boom Collapse started by Henry Paulson in March of 2000 "Getting out from the TOP" which was never prosecuted by Bill Clinton or SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt..and they had 9 months to do so.......The corruption continues with Blankfein.
5. And the never ending corruption and theft of US Taxpayer Dollars by Military Contractors..Northrup, Boeing, with cost over runs and military hardware we do not need..........the lot of them.....
...................Its time to put them DOWN!!!!