Forum Post: The Message: We want Capitalism to work for everyone. That is not happening now.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 11, 2011, 4:12 p.m. EST by newearthorder
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Capitalism is fine, but when some people can exert influence using money and power, what is the first thing they want to do? They want to tilt the machine in their favor and the rest be damned.
Too many people are stating we are 'against capitalism'. Newt Gingrich said it today. Some are saying it is a socialist movement. That is not true either.
But, if we don't get the message out people will believe the talking heads who work for the people who want to maintain the status quo.
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"Capitalism to work for everyone." - Capitalism can't possibly work for everyone. Some players must loose in a competition game.
No, game theory, zero sum, win-win, no losers. It hasn't been working this way for a while, but we can change that.
I'm considering a push for some kind of government mandated profit sharing. A Corporations has good year, the CEO's get multi-million dollar bonuses. Fine, but the guy who cleans their office at night doesn't get shit. There have been many cases this has happened, even when corporations are filing for bankruptcy, while at the same time thousands are just out of a job. That needs to end now.
I would recommend an amendment to Dodd-Frank. If the board of directors wants to give a CEO a big bonus, fine. But, half of it must be distributed equally to all non-executive. employees.
It's just profit-sharing and it's very fair. Those CEO's didn't have a good year all by themselves.
I don't see how "game theory" applies to games such as musical chairs which job market is. "profit sharing" - And how exactly would that help resolve any of the problems we have today? Except giving more money to already employed? Capitalism is all about exerting influence using money and power. It's Capital-ism - rule of capital. Being "against capitalism" doesn't automatically make one socialist, at least by it's definition.
Extreme capitalism says I hire you and make you do three jobs for very low pay while I rake in all the profits. I win, you lose. Benevolent capitalism is when I hire you to do one job, and if you do it well I pay you as much as I can afford and still have enough to run my business and make money myself. Win-win.
It's like switching polarity for gravitational force?
Where did you see "Benevolent capitalism" working?
This "Benevolent capitalism" violates fundamental rule of capitalism, which is "Maximizing Profit".
I've been a fairly benevolent capitalist. I've hired about 200 people in my life while running various small businesses. no one has ever complained to me that they weren't getting payed enough or I was expecting too much out of them. There are lots of small businesses like that. It's when you get to corporations where the investors and stockholders may not even know the physical location of all it's factories or stores, or whatever, and do not have a reason to care about each individual worker, you have trouble. Stockholders and investors will demand more profits, the CEO will deliver regardless of what it takes, even sending jobs overseas. He wants a big bonus, so he could care less. Bosses who work with their employees every day are a little better.
What happened with your businesses?
Bullshit. You made it clear who you are. Anarchists, socialists, communists, progressives...whatever the fuck you want to rename yourself each day. It's ALL the same. Grow government, higher taxes..more handouts.
Either you are deceived over what OWS is really about or you are only interested in your own financial portfolio. If it is the latter, then this is what is wrong with capitalism today. Too many greedy rich people scooping it all up from the bottom for themselves, at the loss of others. No wonder there are no jobs now.
Did you see that the CEOs of Freddie and Fannie are getting a total of $13 Million in bonuses after get $170 billion dollars in bailout money for making bad loans. This seems par for the course, it's just that these bonuses come from our taxes. I call Bullshit!
Outrageous, we are their slaves and they are raking in the money that's why these people opposed to OWS don't want to change.
And not only that, but big stock traders tax rates on gains are less than what comes out of a lower wage paycheck. With all of the huge amounts of money they make they never pay sales taxes on what they buy or sell! Unlike the lower wage slave workers who are taxed out the ass.