Forum Post: The message of Occupy Wall Street.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 10:45 a.m. EST by Ruecast
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Good afternoon. It is important to take into account the following data.
THE MESSAGE OF OCCUPPY WALLSTREET The message of the 99% for the 99%
The message is a message for real democracy. The message is a message, against corporative extensive political priviledges. The message is a message, against war for profits. The message is a message against the invasion of countries, and the killing of people, for supporting a system in crisis. The message is a message for stoping violence against a civic non violent social uprising. The message is a message for stoping the United States, to be the country with the higuest incarceration rate in the world. The message is a message for stoping the mainstream media cult on war and fear. The message is a message for making the United States, an environmentally friendly country. The message is a message for asking for the government of the United States, coherence, and a firm step back on hypocrisy when talking about human rights violations abroad. The message is a message for censoring political candidates that endorse human rights violations. The message is a message, for changing the culture of violence of the United States for a culture for respect and respect of International Law. The message is a message for increasing the political ideologic horizons of the main political parties of the country. The message is a message against lobbysm, as in other european countries. The message is a message against for creating a just taxaxion system. The message is a message for stoping the exploitation of migrants. The message is a message for changing the US mainstream media POP vulgar culture, for a culture for science, tolerance and peace. The message is a message against the influence of the US military in the US foreign agenda. The message is a message stoping the rise on inequality in the United States and in the World. The message is a message for stoping the United States to be the country with one of the lowest levels of social mobility in the "developed" world. The message is a message against the policy of Bailing Out Greed, while the 99% of the population have to work under extremely harsh conditions to make a decent living.