Forum Post: The Medium is the Message
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 4:24 p.m. EST by brecknock
from Regina, SK
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Occupy Wall Street is the same revolution as the Arab Spring and is being fundamentally misunderstood. It is the result of the global telecommunications phenomenon of BlackBerry and personal communication devices.
The grievances lack focus and are being directed at governments and financial institutions, who are responsible, but do not have the means to rectify the situation.
Our democratic institutions are largely the product of the Industrial Age with the American and French Revolutions having blazed the trail with governments designed to meet Rousseau's new Social Contract. Italy and Germany only became nation states in 1870 and 1871. Even the Russian Revolution was a reaction to industrialization.
The Parliament of Britain was most effective in the 19th century with the breadth and scope of legislation it churned out and all the parliamentary systems they spawned throughout the Common Wealth. These same systems today cannot react to changes fast enough, especially with regards to financial systems which operate globally.
Fractional banking is enabled by the nation states and as long as the solution is being sought within the confines of sovereign currencies the Occupy Wall Street movement will not produce solutions.
The answer must come from within the technical revolution: one potential rectifier could be BitCoin and a system of non-sovereign currency whereby the mechanisms for fractional banking will not be implemented as no state can legislate regulations to allow currency to be created exnilio.
Contemplate this and pass it on.