Forum Post: The Media is DEFLECTING the Discussion
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 12:14 a.m. EST by OpenSky
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Every day news anchors talk about Occupy Wall Street like its only reasons for existence are the bank bailouts and the bad economy. They always conveniently forget to mention the real message: that corporations have TOO MUCH INFLUENCE over our government (lobbyists, unlimited campaign contributions, etc.). This is a deliberate attempt by both the 1% and our government to to deflect the attention away from the real problem. It's time someone goes over to CNN and tells them what our REAL beef is!
The fourth estate is owned by the 1%, duh.
Who do you think part of the lobbyist are? Media Defiantly!!!!
Care to provide further thought on how to get that done?