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Forum Post: the meaning of life, to me anyways.

Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 29, 2012, 8:04 p.m. EST by ARLBM (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Reality at times can be defined as proof of the past. These things are material objects that make someone superior. Think of it like a piece of paper that says what you’ve done. This piece of paper has material value right? When it is a mere piece of paper. How could something so simple yet so complex manifest? A note that claims it can do anything. It can get you a piece of candy or a set of Jax. But something that can also get you a nuclear bomb or an army. It can get you a shiny new material object that you will want to flaunt. That wall between one being of life to another exists , that wall is made out of currency. and No matter what, when something is obtained, there will always be people who will re obtain it with endless will . Yet there are people who experience the road to life differently. People like chris mcandless from into the wild. He is a person that leads a life that is not dependant on modern society completely. He merely co exists with it. He is dependent on being independent. The society we live in today is mostly dependant on satisfaction of wants. Hell if I want to look at people having sex well I can just go on the internet. Hell if I want to shoot people I can just join the army. Man if I want to smoke weed I can give a guy a piece of paper and get it. Fuck If I want to own everything on the planet with a piece of paper then I will. that’s called greed. the world today in no way exists for everyone. It exists for few. but we all know There are people who have enjoyed living life for each other. People who still live in uninhabited places. So primitive that they have never seen things like computers. They live peacefully until someone more superior comes along and trys to change it. There also exist darker and distorted places on this earth. Third world countries so impoverished and twisted that the only way to obtain what you want is by violence. With guns and knives. And it can also be done with ships , missiles , and with bombs and technology. Technology is such an explored concept that it has redefined life itself. That is what has happened on this planet; A redefinition of life. More has changed in the last 20 years than have in the last 200, and 2000. Our planet has developed life so much that the its inhabitants are at the point of self destruction. Destruction of our development of life , and destruction of the planet itself. This concept and elaborate change has been thought of for thousands of years. Seen by incredibly primitive beings that seemed to have worshiped a higher power. what if whatever they saw meant something. It meant something today. It was dependant on our development of life.its the year 2012. Some people seem to ignorantly think the mayans are the only humans who believed this year is significant. Yet there is proof by more than one civilization believed this time to be significant. A great apocalypse .Apocalypse doesn’t mean end of life. It means great change. That is not specified as death. It can also be life. It can be reality that has been so developed that a realization occurs. That greed can destroy and kill. That It can disrupt and be counterproductive. What if we lived in a world where people no longer built buildings for a company that owns it. No longer work for one person who controls everything. a life that No longer functions as a contest but as a conquest. Conquest in the sense that our planet will be so unified that all can co exist. That all can live happily without hate or greed. There are ancient ideals that drive these explicit and crucial thoughts. Things like religion. Ideas that existed in such primitive times that they lie irrelevant to modern times. Yet there is no way to judge said thoughts, the only thing that need be done, is allow freedom to believe, but not a freedom to act against another being of life. to only life with love in ones heart . love for ones planet and people. messages of an imminent evil have always been taught . we know that they exist. People who thrive off of greed and superiority. Now is the time where people have realized this. People like you on this forum. People who think greed and superiority should be wiped off the planet. People who think they understand what it means to be alive. You are a human. Howe ever, There are many kinds of you. Kinds that believe in pieces of parchment that place value. The same kinds who believe a piece of paper can allow you to obtain something when the person next to you could very well want the same things. Yet we all know that there are plenty of people to provide for one another. How many people does it take to provide for one person? If we worked together we could provide for each other to an unlimited extent. We wouldn’t need to worry about not having what we want, but simply enjoying the experience of being alive. Being alive is not defined by having a heart beat . its by enjoying experiences with other beings of life. so why do we live in a world where there are those who rather obtain everything themselves. People who enjoy unlimited wealth. Yet there are people who cannot enjoy a single satisfaction. A massive change is occurring. We have seen our effects on this planet in the last 20 years. And these effect our planet in so many ways. We see changes in our weather, in our animals, and in our lives. We have seen how greed can destroy and how love can prevail. Yet there still exist something in the heart of one that loves, a passion to destroy that which destroys. There exists a separation between people. it has just always been that way. I feel that religion is the main concept that promoted this in early times, as a form of love and hate all the same. There existed empires where every single person was owned by one being. A god to some. A king to others. An emperor to a select few. or dictator to a many million. A fuehrer to the determined . Or a president that is slandered. There is no need to present all worships of life with the face of someone. That’s the idea that has poisoned the life on this earth. Life only need exist for itself. Not for anything else. Now some say peace must prevail, and others say that peace can only be brought about by war. That is not true. Peace can be brought about by understanding and not action. This is a peace that is endless in itself. a peace that doesn’t rely on anyone, but everyone all the same. it’s a concept that says, you must only live for each other and nobody else. Each other as one, unified. People feel unified, millions of people from dozens of countries, who want this greed to end have been standing up, speaking out , and fighting back. This is the apocalypse my friends. This is what I think is happening now, this is what 2012 is. And this is also what I think we all as humans should hold to heart.

thank you for reading this mesage ~ARLBM



Read the Rules
[-] 0 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

Don't be persuaded by all these geriatrics. I hear when you reach their age the imagination is the first thing to go. Either that, or they are all upper middle class snobs with no imagination to boot.

[-] 0 points by freehorseman (267) from Miles City, Mt 13 years ago

Snooze Alert

[-] 0 points by Puzzlin (2898) 13 years ago

So money is paper, your mortgage, a piece of paper. Am I right?

By the way, over-generalizing leads treacherously close to steep slippery slopes.

The Apocalypse, really. Do you consider yourself a reasonable person?

I must at the end now.

The Puzzler

[-] -1 points by Perspective (-243) 13 years ago

"People who still live in uninhabited places." Where do I even begin with this statement? I couldn't read your post anymore after this line lol.

[-] 0 points by April (3196) 13 years ago

OMG. I missed that! lol. Wait. Can't stop laughing. I think I'm hyperventilating!!

Truth. I didn't read all of it. I only scanned it. That was great! Maybe I should read it all the way through. Too funny!!!! lol lol lol.

[-] -1 points by April (3196) 13 years ago

Reread this when you're sober tomorrow. Let us know how you're feeling in the morning. It's really quite entertaining. But you need to sleep it off now.

[-] 0 points by BlackSun (275) from Agua León, BC 13 years ago

You read my mind.


[-] 0 points by April (3196) 13 years ago

lol. Remarkably good typing skills while being hammered. Really impressive. Better than I could do.

[-] -1 points by BlackSun (275) from Agua León, BC 13 years ago

Utopian nonsense.