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Forum Post: The Majority's Manifesto

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 1:20 a.m. EST by PubliusCicero (0) from Philadelphia, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The market is not my God. It does not determine my Destiny.
It will not tell me how to live. Its success hinges upon my active and willful participation.
I created it; it did not create Me. The surplus of my labor is the source of our collective growth and prosperity. It promised to be a fair steward of my surplus, but its agents have violated our agreement.
They have taken my surplus and called it simple “profit.” They claim to be my benefactors, but the only thing they produce with my surplus is more profit for their own gain.
They no longer remember our agreement.
I do not see the benefits they have promised me.
I did not willfully trade my voice in the world for access to commodities.
I want back Democracy, not compromised representation with un-ending taxation.
The compensation I was promised for my parsimony has stagnated for a generation while the profits from my labor are at an all time high.
Those agents have pushed us to the brink with their ponzi schemes, and convinced us to use our surplus to save them from themselves. They told us we needed them, and that without them we would suffer.
Yet they are the genesis of our current suffering. In return we have been given nothing more than a fraction of what was rightfully ours. Look to yourself Middle-America, you are at once the source of, and the solution to our collective problem.
It has been your surplus, just as it has been ours, which they have used for their own benefit.
Our eyes are now open. We see the “market” for the tyrant it has become; for the tyrant they created.
Just as we expelled the tyrant once from the political arena to attain Democracy, we will expel it now to gain our economic Equality.
We are a Community. We need one another. We are the Majority.



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[-] 1 points by MJMorrow (419) 13 years ago

Do you represent the people running this forum or OWS and if yes, can you tell me whether or not this forum or the people running this forum have direct ties to the NYCGA; the same NYCGA referred to in the link above?