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Forum Post: The main demands should be

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 10:15 a.m. EST by teargassedin60s (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

  1. The first and most important thing is to enact public financing of political campaigns. We MUST get the money out of politics. Unless we do that, we will lose everything.

  2. The next demand is accountability of the Wall Street banksters. We're talking Federal prison for many, many years to establish a deterrent so this criminal element in our financial system does not even think about doing it again. Frankly, I'm even in favor of special, retroactive laws if necessary. I would start by indicting Standard & Poors for fraud and go right down the line of the usual suspects.

  3. Taxes much be raised on the rich. I count anyone or family as "rich" whose income places them in the top 98% of wage earners in the US. In other words, the best-paid 2% of the population. Listen, if 97% of the population would swap salaries with you, you're rich enough to pay more in taxes.

  4. Make lobbying of the US Government illegal. Full stop. Period. I think we all know why.

  5. Congress must stop funding the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan IMMEDIATELY.

  6. Enact baking legislation that "too big to fail" is "too big to exist." Force "too big to fail" banks to break up. NOW.

  7. Do away with the extortionate -- "your money or your life" -- business practices of the greedy greedy health insurance industry by moving asap to a single payer plan run by the US Government along the lines of that of Canada and France. Wer all join the risk pool and save 30%! Let's stop being gouged by those jackasses!

  8. Re-negotiate the deal with Big Pharma that left US citizens unable to negotiate drug prices with them. What an outrageous Republican Giveaway giveaway that was.

  9. Reverse the Citizen's Unired ruling by the Supreme Court that allows unrestricted donations to electoral campaigns as corporations because "corporations are people." CORPORATIONS ARE PEOPLE? HAVE YOU EVER HEARD ANYTHING AS UTTERLY PREPOSTEROUS AS THAT?

Therre's more to do, of course, but if we got the above done, it would be a miracle and we would be well on the way to saving OUR country!!!




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[-] 1 points by scorp100n (1) 13 years ago
  • Lobbying = bribing congress men should STOP
  • Lobbying = bribe = (crime) to make illegal payments to public official in exchange for favors or influence.
[-] 1 points by RemembertheMiddleClass (4) 13 years ago

Thank you. You said it all.

[-] 1 points by vats (107) 13 years ago

Ban all out sourcing work to india, china