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Forum Post: The live and let die doctrine of the one percent.

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 2, 2012, 7:33 p.m. EST by 99PercentFriendly (31)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We are taught to think that a lot of the problems that the 99 percent are facing can’t be fixed because of lack of money for certain projects. Whether its all the children that are dying of starvation in poor countries or whether its all those who are suffering in America from lack of adequate and timely healthcare, we are always told that there isn’t enough money to go around for all these projects.

It is amazing that the one percent all around the World seem to always be able to find ample amount of money when it comes to increasing their weapons of war, but when it comes to saving the sick and starving children all of a sudden they all run out of money.

For over 50 years people have been watching those starving children being paraded on TV by those who have been living large with the donations that the hard working 99 percent have been making to them. The one percent has allowed the hunger and disease to go on around the World for year after year even during the times that the global economy was at its best. Its now obvious that the one percent of the World don’t have any intention to ever solving any of these problems voluntarily.

For every legitimate organization that is genuinely trying to help the needy there are hundreds of others that are only thinking about lining their own pockets by taking advantage of the pain and suffering that is going on around the World.

Its not just the matter of money, it also has to do with the live and let die attitude of the one percent.




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[-] 0 points by the99areLazy (14) from Benton, PA 13 years ago

Oh and your website fucking sucks.

[-] 0 points by the99areLazy (14) from Benton, PA 13 years ago

How much money have you donated?

How many charities have you created?

Why are you wasting time posting about the problems of the world when you can be volunteering and saving the world?

[-] -1 points by smartcapitalist (143) 13 years ago

Throwing money at problems isn't the solution. If you had spent some time understanding the problems of the poor, you wouldn't me making such stupid statements.

[-] 1 points by 99PercentFriendly (31) 13 years ago

I am aware of the political and cultural difficulties facing the legitimate organizations in getting the right help to the right people in different parts of the World, but I am also aware of the fact that there are hundreds of other organizations that treat this as a business opportunity to line their own pockets. How many more years are we going to see those starving children being paraded on TV, five, ten, or maybe even forever as long as there are people who rather ignore these problems and are bothered when this subject is brought up.


[-] 0 points by smartcapitalist (143) 13 years ago

Oh there are more than just political or cultural differences. And yes, the poor can be a business opportunity as well. Sitting in US you wouldn't have seen poverty, other than in TV. But in countries where there are poor people, like India, China, there are many companies which make product for the poor. There are also micro credit institutions (Grameen Bank is a an example) which offer credit to the poor.

If you want to understand the economics of poverty I suggest you read the book "Poor Economics"

[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

owning a tv is a waste of time . money and space

[-] 1 points by 99PercentFriendly (31) 13 years ago

It seems that you don’t understand the difference between the “ Poor Economics “ and the thousands of children that are starving to death everyday. At least for the poor the life goes on, but all those children who are dying of starvation before they are two years old don't even get a fighting chance.


[-] 0 points by smartcapitalist (143) 13 years ago

Yeah, I know children are dying. And they die because those countries and their governments are not in order. You have fix the system first. Enough money has been thrown in Africa to feed people, provide health care etc but they still languish in poverty. It's because the systems, the government, the institutions there don't work. Fix those and the dying children would automatically be taken care of. There is no quickfix