Forum Post: The list we should rally behind
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 9:12 p.m. EST by MuadDib
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Let's get focused and send this to media outlets, post it in blogs, etc.
Asking for more congressional oversight BEFORE first getting rid of the congress-people that ARE the corporations will get us nowhere. Asking congress to do x, y, z BEFORE congress actually belongs to the people is like asking your rapist to protest you from the other rapist guy down the street that he's friends with.
Please stop supporting the Buffett tax.
It only taxes INCOME not CAPITAL GAINS. Buffett proposed it because it sounds good and doesn't really affect him.
Thanks for this, I agree that we need to go after capital gains as well.
I do not support raising capital gains. I support lowering spending so we can then lower taxes for everybody. I support not giving any more money for our leaders to piss away.
I don't want them pissing it away either, I just want corporations to pay their share. As a whole the things proposed in this list should give people more influence over gov't and from there we can do what we want.
But always remember, taxes are passed on to the consumer. So even if we make corporations "pay their fair share" we will simply see rising prices to offset their lower earnings from the taxes.
and I also agree on lowering spending. Any spending should benefit we the people not go to three wars and hundreds of military bases.
Like your name. Read every book of the Dune series.
Same here. I love David Lynch's interpretation as well.
Yea, the Lynch 80's movie is good. Ever see the uncut version?
You are throwing away the movement if you start trying to get behind Wall Street supported policy like the Buffett Tax. Buffett's company owes back taxes back to 2004 and does not care because he is above the law. If you think falling in line for his prescriptions for non-billionaires is the right direction I have some wonderful Martian property to sell...
Buffet's smart. He like his boy Barry know they can say whatever they want and then let their dark side (the GOP) make sure nothing ever changes for them.
At least you get it, the Buffett tax is a horrible idea that only taxes INCOME not CAPITAL GAINS. Why do people think Buffett came up with it? Because it sounds great but doesn't really affect him, that's why. If he really wanted to he could give the govt money right now, but he doesn't. He's a billionaire and he's interested in helping other billionaires, he even said in his article proposing the tax that his class is winning. He taunts you to your face and you eat it up. this is the list OP is talking about. The full url should work.
This list is a good starting point, but it needs to be discussed and have the foundation (sources, analysis, involvement) necessary for it to be accepted as a movement of the people. Until that is possible, it absolutely does not represent this entire movement, it is just one set of ideas.
well yeah, that's my point. people are already commenting and collaborating on this list. it is just one set of ideas, but I think OP was trying to spread the word that it was out there. the title says PROPOSED, not ABSOLUTE.
Yes, I'm just tired of the media talking about how there are no ideas coming from ows. Or they cherry pick the most ludicrous things people are saying. Proposed is the key word. SamuelAdams has already suggested a good amendment.
If you really want the media to freak out, we should be involving the entire political spectrum in discussing the demands. Even if we end up disagreeing with the 'right' as a movement- they should also be included in the discussion.. I'd like to see us find an initial demand that maybe isn't supported by 99% of people, but how about 80%?
Tis blocked. But I doubt we should rally behind any list.
I've seen the list that's referenced even though this is blocked and I once thought it was a good idea- but no longer..
No one can just put up a list as the voice of the people. Instead, we need to be focusing our efforts on building an internet tool combining aspects of these or traditional forums, reddit style upvoting, and wikis which would allow for us to begin an informed and involved awakening of what we are. This means crossing political and national boundaries and including the concerns of all.
I have made a post that lists a concept of what I am talking about that I am completely up for discussing. Let me know what you think... Any ideas or suggestions would be incredibly helpful, as well as any support with programming or web skills.
The problem is we have to wait for the other half of the 99% to wake up and join the discussion.
I agree, but in the meantime we need to build a neutral tool that would allow them to feel safe and respected as they express themselves while actually adding to the movements foundation. We need to hear from all sides and from there define ourselves as really being inclusive of the 99% or at least something close.
If you are interested in further discussion on the concept of this online tool, let me know.
I am, I think we would be okay just having a decent forum attached to this site.
I agree that that would be a huge first step and could probably be enough, but are the site's creators working on this? And if not, what steps can we take to get a decent forum up that can handle these needs..?
I e-mailed the site's creators and offered to make a forum and give them the control over it if they would just link it to the forum tab.