Forum Post: The law President Obama did not faithfully execute
Posted 10 years ago on Aug. 6, 2014, 8:25 a.m. EST by JackPot
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
There is a body of U.S. and international law that Barack Obama refused to faithfully execute as president of the United States. Under our laws, torture isn't just a crime; the United States is legally obligated to prosecute its perpetrators. And despite the confessions of President Bush and Vice President Cheney, that is precisely what President Obama refused to do.
The US has a legal duty to prosecute those responsible for torture and abuse, or extradite them to countries where they will be prosecuted. When we ratified the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Torture Convention), we promised to prosecute or extradite those who commit, or are complicit in the commission, of torture. The Geneva Conventions also mandate that we prosecute or extradite those who commit, or are complicit in the commission of, torture.
How can the United States continue to lead the free world now?
The Fourth Amendment ,makes us secure in our persons, papers and effects. The Fifth guarantees that no man can be compelled to testify against himself, the Eight guarantees there be no cruel and unusual punishment: Torture violates every one. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, the whole neocon clan, knowingly, with contempt a forehand, violated this principle of human dignity, human rights, and key provisions of the American Constitution, because they chose to. They have done it with impunity becuse Obama would not permit Holder to prosecute. At first I thought it was because Obama, through his life's lesson's as a mulatto in our racist ( but improving) society, was unconsciously an 'Uncle Tom'. That was probably too harsh, but I was angry that MY AMERICA, Washington's, Jefferson's, Madison's, Lincoln's America would become just another scumbag inhumane pile of shit, as they had, no - as we had. They tortured in our name. The CIA, the FBI, the Army officers, who proclaim "Honor Duty Core" Tortured human beings because they chose to, because they had the power to, because the Religious, The irreligious, the educated intellectuals, and the raw uneducated of the land lacked the courage, the conviction, and trust in our nation's basic philosophy to stand up for it, that All men are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - except when they piss us off - then we can torture them, because we have become special, we have come to live above the law, we have overcome the restrictions that are the basis of civilization. Basically, the torturers were "too big to fail" but fail they did. And I will tell all my grandchildren that America has become a fourth world nation- the world of immorality and inhumanity.
This is what Fascism looks like,"When Fascism comes to America,it will be clutching a bible in its hands,and it will be wrapped in the American flag."-Sinclair Lewis---and that is so exactly what happened.I have been in so much pain watching all of this go down,but my pain counts for nothing compared to the agony of my father.He was a decorated combat veteran and dedicated his life to spear carrying foe the Strategic Air Command.He was offered huge pecuniary inducements to leave government for the corporate world.He refused,because as a graduate of the Naval Academy,he felt he owed the American People because they paid for his education.The last time I saw him,tears of rage filled his eyes because of the betrayal and treason of the Iraq War-a war of aggression.And he died fully understanding all that we have lost.
I always thought the worst fascists in America were the conspiracy theorists. People like Alex jones.
LOL-he is pretty bad.I myself think Coincidence Theorists like you are somewhat apoplectic and stubborn,but I won't say you are a Fascist.Why don't you stop going after people who you don't agree with about the political assassinations,Iran/Contra,the S&L Affair,the Great Recession,9/11/01 and all that? We are supposed to be talking about ideas related to how can we unplug Capitalism and come up with something that will at least let us live.Attacking other people and calling them names doesn't do anything to promote #OWS,and people really should not be trying to argue over other issues.If you want to know what the Plan is,check out what happened to the residents of New Orleans after Katrina.That is what they plan to do-abandon us to our fate in the worst possible situation.That's why we need #OWS.When it it all comes down,and Americans are stranded in waist deep sewage with no food,water or prospect of rescue,how much will it matter what they think happened on 9/11/01 ? Do you really think desperate, stranded people will care if it's a boatload of Truthers that appears out of nowhere to help them when nobody else is available?
Because I think conspiracy theories are one of the biggest dangers of modern times. I think they are a really serious problem which threatens to undermine our societies, and, more important, threatens to undermine our plans of creating a better world.
I think conspiracy theories are one thing that is stopping us from unplugging capitalism and starting a better world.
Crucial I would say.
Having a brain that can do proper research, based on logic, on rational thinking, etc.... dramatically increases the risk of survival and dramatically increases the chance of success when embarking on a project to create a better world.
Basing our thinking on religious or conspiracy theory fantasy is a recipe for utter disaster.
Another problem closely related to OWS is that conspiracy theories go against democratic thinking. One of the most important concepts for democracy is the idea of innocent until proven guilty. Conspiracy theories are like mob attacks, they are based on the idea of accusing people of the most heinous crimes without having to provide any evidence. Like the film Loose Change that accuses The government of killing its own people on 911.
Democracy starts with evidence. You can't have democracy without proper thinking base on logic, rational and proper research, and evidenced based approach, etc...
Democracies need to be scientifically minded societies. And, the more democracy you want, the better educated the people must be.
When we talk about direct democracy, one of the prerequisites is a very well educated populace.
Hard to imagine direct democracy where everyone would vote on many issues when so many Americans believe in conspiracy theory fantasy and have no clue as to what proper research and evidence means.
Conspiracy theories are useful tools of democratic society. For example, could Dick Cheney or any senior executive working for the White House authorize, and conduct all of the enhanced interrogation techniques by himself or herself? Not possible. Someone had give the command and others obeyed it. It takes at least 2 to conspire. The theoretical part tries answer who did it and why and was it illegal?
there are all sorts of ways to fleece money
last year. I told my student loan I had no job and could nor pay my debt
so they charge #5,000 dollars. No no longer trust the legitimacy of the institution and it would be dishonest for me to negotiate with them further.
2 is also useful for tagging out too
You don't understand what the expression conspiracy theory means.
Like other english expressions, hot dog for example, it can't be understood by simply juxtaposing the definition of conspiracy with the definition of theory.
the·o·ry ˈTHēərē,ˈTHi(ə)rē/ noun noun: theory; plural noun: theories
Professor Laurie Manwell (Canada) -
You are entitled to your opinion.I think endless discussions on this forum between 2 entrenched sides are counter productive.I disagree with your assertion that research on and discussion of mysterious or murky historical events has any influence on Anticapitalist movements.I can't see any evidence to support your position.Judging by your postings,it appears that you would prefer to exclude people from #OWS based on their views-or actually whether or not they are willing to remain completely silent on those views if they diverge from what you think is correct..Excluding people on such grounds is an unsound policy.Good luck with it.
A world without conspiracy theorists would be better, but I don't believe in mass extermination. We must find a way to educate them. Or, implement better schools and wait one generation or two for current day conspiracy theorists to die off and get to a well thinking population so we can go on with creating a better world for all.
Proper thinking affects everything.
If you can't think straight and always fall into conspiracy theory lies and other murky ways of thinking, then that will impede upon everything around you, including taking down capitalism.
We must be aware. We must think properly. We must use science. We must be logical. We must be rational.
This is crucial, absolutely key if we wish to create a world that is an improvement upon the current one.
Have I excluded someone? No. Everyone here is able to discuss issues.
My name is not shooz. I don't go around banning user after user.
Actually, I am one of the users here that engages others the most. I engage everybody. Lost of people here call others trolls or shills and refuse to engage them. I engage absolutely everybody on the forum.
I'll never try to stop you from talking, but I'll always voice my opinions when I think your ideas are flawed.
You're used to having a free ride with your Truther friends. Not with me. That doesn't mean I won't let you talk, it just means I'll challenge all your ideas.
You keep on saying there is no evidence of High Treason or coverup with regard to the events that occurred on 9/11.You are talking out of your ass because there is such evidence.Go find an Antitruther avionics expert who can explain why the excel files of the FDR on AA 77 do not match either the 9/11 Commission's version of events OR the NTSB's version of the events that took place that day.Every time the cockpit door opens during a flight,it is recorded as one of the flight parameters by the FDR.If Hani Hanjour and his co-conspirators forced the door open and attacked the crew with box cutters,why is the cockpit door not recorded as having been opened? An examination of the FDR files shows no record of the plane having been aligned at the gate.An examination of the FDR files shows no record of the altimeter having been calibrated before the flight.How could flight AA 77 have hit the light poles when it approached the Pentagon? According to the flight parameters recorded by the FDR on AA 77,the plane could only have hit the poles if they were 550 feet tall.That is all I will say to you,because not only do you refuse to examine this evidence yourself,Antitruthers like you refuse to produce a qualified expert to examine the same files that were provided to Pilots for 9/11 Truth by the NTSB through a FOIA request.Dismissing any and all evidence without examining it first is what is flawed.Ignorance about aviation,avionics,architecture,demolition technology,computer science and structural engineering is flawed.Stupidly endeavoring to silence random people on internet forums instead of finding effective ways to silence all Truthers is a waste of time and flawed.If you really want ALL of us to be silent,you can't get the job done overnight,but I assure you it can be done.I worked at Roth during the 80's and I assure you that Roth is not in the business of hanging death traps over lower Manhattan or any place else.To insist that Roth and Associates did not provide a safe way for those buildings to come down is a scurrilous lie.There was a place where those buildings were designed to fall down on in the event of a massive failure.It was called the Merril Lynch Plaza.Now it is called Zucotti Park.On behalf of all of my former co-workers at Roth,,Frank DeMartini,and myself-Fuck You.
There is no evidence, and, if you think there is, then bring it to court. Why do you Truthers want another investigation if you already have evidence. Just get donations and find pro bono lawyers and bring your case to court.
I guess I wasn't clear enough.Fuck you and all mind police.You can go ahead and drop this dialog because I will just simply keep on telling you to Go Fuck Yourself.I am sure you don't believe me and we will have to go through another round of bullshit.Or you could just not reply to this post.But of course,you won't do that.
I am a mind trainer, not a mind police. I will help you get smarter. Just hold my hand, and follow my mind steps. I will take you far away from dumb conspiracy theories... far away into the world of scholars and intellectuals.
I belong to a group of Anarchists in Upstate NY.There are 22 members in the group.We are all Truthers.I am the only person in the group who has anything to do with #OWS.Our group is limited to people who own at least 10 acres of land.Between us,we hold 1860 acres of land.I own a considerable amount of land myself.If the time should ever come when you need food,I am willing to share with you what I have.My beliefs,and the beliefs of the other people in our little group are Not For Sale.
pretty cool. i just bought a house in western ny - fredonia. looking to buy some land eventually. it will be a much easier place to survive what is coming down the road. my grandchildren will thank me for it one day i think. they may be standing on my grave when they do it but that would be ok with me. and for sure don't go for the "training" trashy is offering - although it might be fun to get him into the group and see how he behaves when he can't hide behind a computer. let me know - it would be worth the drive if you get him there
We don't need any more members in the group.You would be a possible candidate for membership but you live too far away.You have to own at leat 10 acres.When buying land,remember water is a critical issue.After you buy,you could start trying to get to know the other people who own the land nearby.The people who belong to our group would probably be surprised to hear themselves described as Anarchists.They are Anarchists,though,because they believe strongly in all the main features of Anarcho-syndicalism.
not really looking to join up - i just meant that if you took that little shit cometotheshortfatsexyman up on his training offer i would gladly drive up to see how he functions in person. thanks for the advice on land buying. my house is near lake erie and plenty of water around. i will for sure have do do some research before buying. looks like that is a ways off so i have time - i hope!
Are you planning an underground shelter to save yourself from the Illuminati and Zombie Apocalypse?
What a waste of 22 minds... (To be Truthers - being anarchists is fine)
I am willing to go spend a few months at your place. In exchange for food and a shelter, I will train all 22 of you. The initial training will be difficult. Lots of reading. Lots of debating. You will learn all logical fallacies. You will learn the art of rhetoric. I will teach you Plato, Heidegger, Aquinas, Deleuze, Badiou, and so many others. This will help expand your anarchist literature. Your minds will become flexible and well calibrated.
After the initial 2 months, I will return in the fall of each new year to further sharpen your minds.
You will be known as the 22.
22 intelligent anarchists.
I ask no money. The reason I am willing to do this is because anarchists are important people and should be trained properly. Anarchists are the ninjas of the modern world.
We don't have an Anarchist army.Our group was formed to try to address the impacts of climate change which we are suffering from.The political discussions with the other people are on a very basic level.Trying to influence or indoctrinate these people sure as hell ain't my job or yours.You must be a very ignorant person if you are unaware of the kinds of problems rural people are beginning to experience on account of climate change.Our main concerns don't have anything to do with anything you are knowledgeable about,in all likelihood.The existence of this group is not actionable intel as far as you are concerned.Your bosses already know all about it.The existence of the group is not possible to confirm using the methods they have available to them,and the entire issue is of lesser interest to them than known & confirmed political or community organizing type groups.We all know they collect information on all organized citizen groups-right down to 4H clubs and church sewing circles.This intel is gonna go right straight to the backest back burner where it will stay until more important matters are examined.So cool your jets.You haven't discovered anything that your bosses give a shit about.Nobody cares about poor rural people and farmers who are organizing to try to be prepared to rescue their neighbors from flash floods.They don't give a shit if we all get washed away to hell and neither do you so quit playin'
Had to go back up.I NEVER try to find out what is actually going on on these farms.About 6 of the people have working farms.All of them,and most of the rest of them would go berserk if anybody tried to poke their nose into what they are doing on their property-or make any kind of "helpful suggestions." The one thing I really wish I could get them interested in is renewable energy-wind and solar.The people who have money refuse to consider or even discuss it.The rest of us are interested in it,but we're all so poor we can't really pursue it.The money we have is being invested in things like fuel tanks,water tanks,fossil fuel powered generators,and other various types of equipment we might need if we have a bad flood or drought,or if we have to rescue the locals.These people are totally country and they don't like new stuff.My property is almost completely wooded in and has never been developed at all.I don't have any farmland and I am too poor to develop anything but chickens and strawberries-both on a limited basis.
You are completely out of your mind,Come2theparty.A person who lives in a crumbling shack in the middle of nowhere who believes FDR data must either match the known sequence of events of any particular flight,or it has been falsified or faked-is no worse off than a person who believes that FDR data is irrelevant and should be ignored in favor of the conclusions of Washington bureaucrats.Both of those people will freeze to death if they can't afford fuel for their furnace,Neither of those 2 people is employable where there are no paying jobs.Any person,no matter what they believe in-Magic Bullets.The Rapture,We Need More Guns,Science and Technology Will Save Us,Nam Yo Renge Kyo.The Lizard People,The Native Americans Are A Lost Tribe of Jews,Chemtrails Are Evil,No Such Thing as Peak Oil,The Mafia Did It-or any of the rest of it pro or con is relevant to a person who is drowning in a flash flood.Either way,a person or farm animal that is drowning in a flash flood is going to die if someone does not rescue them-very likely to die.You keep on saying that not believing 9/11 is an inside job is going to make some kind of difference to elderly people who live in junk cars with no income miles and miles out in the country.I know people around here who are in their 70's who live like that.My own situation is almost that bad.Also it is incredibly insulting how you think you can come out here and tell anybody anything that is even remotely related to living or surviving in the real world.There are few resources around here,but there is NEVER any shortage of Whup-Ass in a Can for nosy interfering know-it-alls like you.The only reason I am replying to any of your bogus,decrepit,manipulative bullshit is so everyone can see what a Phony you are.Ability to think! How much ability to think do you think is needed to figure out how to fix a roof,dig a ditch,bury a dead animal,shovel manure,go to the f''n food pantry or any of the rest of it? How is your superior thinking ability going to come up with new,innovative ways to survive without any money at all? You don't have new,innovative ways to live with no money at all,because there is NO way to do that better than what we are doing now.
One thing that gravely impedes progress in this is conspiracy theory type thinking. You've certain heard of Global Warming Deniers. They are conspiracy theorists and function much like Truthers. They use the same flawed thinking patterns.
I could help your group to learn to think. This is the first step towards solving Global Warming issues. We must be sharp.
Sorry - but - a question from out of left field ( ha ha ) - are you guys shredding all of your non-crop vegetation matter? (Normal waste quite often ) and then tilling it all back into your fields? Sorry - again - I was just thinking of the value of the shredded matter to retain water as well as decompose to provide needed nutrients ( also provides an amount of heat to the soil in the decomposition process - for winter freezes and such ) as well as making the soil less prone to runoff in excessive bouts of rain fall.
That is a very kind offer.I cannot accept it because the group is Secret and Confidential.While a few people around here know we have an organization,we take very great care to make sure the existence of it cannot be confirmed.In order to join the group,you must own at least 10 acres of land within 5 miles of a property line of someone who already belongs.To get in,you have to be voted in by at least 12 people.Now I have to go out and do some actual work in the real world-normally not a big deal,but today I have to figure out how to deal with an environment that is saturated with Poop.A few days ago I had an accident and opened up a huge gash in my right hand.I can't get any Poop in this wound,so I'm going to have to improvise something.Have a great day!
I could come blindfolded. You could pick me up in NYC.
It's a tragedy you have such a nice setup, a little anarchist army, but that you don't educate yourselves.
With sharp minds, you could do so much more.
Amendment 14
Civil rights
Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
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