Forum Post: The Koch Party, or Lies the AFP Tells Me
Posted 11 years ago on Jan. 26, 2014, 12:51 p.m. EST by shoozTroll
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"Only a few weeks into this midterm election year, the right-wing political zeppelin is fully inflated with secret cash and is firing malicious falsehoods at supporters of health care reform.
As Carl Hulse of The Times reported recently, Democrats have been staggered by a $20 million advertising blitz produced by Americans for Prosperity, the conservative advocacy group organized and financed by the Koch brothers, billionaire industrialists. The ads take aim at House and Senate candidates for re-election who have supported the health law, and blame them for the hyped-up problems with the law’s rollout that now seem to be the sole plank in this year’s Republican platform."
Seems to me I can recall a thread here that mirrored the AFP almost to a T.