Forum Post: The key to Success? Knowledge!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 5:13 p.m. EST by BonaFidePublius
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I can honestly say I sincerely believed in increasing government programs, such as health care, not that long ago(and by this i mean 2 weeks ago). But, I have honestly come to the conclusion that at this is not what we need. Do not misinterpret me, free health care is a very good thing, and im using this as an example to the broader picture, but, in our political system, the government is destroying the country, on vast and various different levels. I am tired of seeing things that can be good, such as health care, being passed with so many loopholes and earmarks that it counteracts anything genuine about it. This is not, and cannot, be a political affiliation. Occupy Wall Street must be a concept, or an idea, about the depletion of enormous corruption in our system as a whole.
If there is just one thing that i would want people to get out of what i am saying, it would be this: Research, study, and dare to Imagine and think about new concepts and ideas. Study our former intellects, and MAKE AN OPINION FOR YOURSELF! It is not enough to just believe in this cause, but it is essential, and critical, that you understand it fully. As Einstein once said, "information is not necessarily knowledge" is a website dedicated to providing information relative to the Occupy Protests to help educate Occupiers on their cause. There is also a one page (front and back) print out crash course available.