Forum Post: The Intellectual Mother of OWS Elizabeth Warren is rich!
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 30, 2012, 1:25 p.m. EST by pedro01
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Warren lives in a 5 million dollar home and has assets worth up to 14 million dollars. Maybe she could let the occupy folks live in her house, after all she is their intellectual mother. Oh wait... i've been notified that since she is a liberal, she is exempt from any judgment about her wealth. Sorry.
This was never about the rich!
Even Jesus ("Woe unto the rich!") had some friends among the wealthy, especially women like Mary of Magdala whose generosity kept the "Jesus Movement" afloat.
Anyway the problem never was with the rich per se, but with the SOCIOPATHICALLY GREEDY. If you're not just trololololololling, pedro01, make sure you see the movie "Inside Job".
you just proved that as long as you are rich and liberal its OK. Same mindset goes for being a minority, if you are a conservative minority you aren't really a minority.
Like I said...trololololololololololololololol
IQ check. Sorry i didn't realize that i was conversing with a retard.
IQ Check: did you ever watch the movie 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers', where the aliens point and scream when they find a non alien...sounds like you.
aw cuuuuuuuuuuuute!
IQ Check: i think that you have a stuck key on your keyboard. Or if you have a touch screen you may be leaving your finger on one key too long.
Humor check: did you forget to turn your sense of humor button to "ON" when you got up this morning? Trust me, life is much more fun that way... :)
Tapping into more Liberal hypocrisy?
If you're Lezzie Warren,Michael Moore or Ted Turner or Bill Gates or Buffet or Soros you get a pass for being rich because you are a Liberal Progressive and are therefore immune from the wrath of OWS.
Reeks of the foul stench of hypocrisy.
Excellent post.