Forum Post: The Imbalance of Man
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 4:15 p.m. EST by hankyknot
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We divert rivers for desert fountains,
Mine the very souls of mountains,
yet we cannot spare the cash to feed the poor.
Election hopefuls promise lies,
while they look us in the eyes,
then line their pockets like any other corporate whore
The treasury of this nation,
thrives on fiscal masturbation,
massaging figures til the money is all spent.
And while we're all left to drown
some get bailed out to higher ground
as they stand upon the ninety nine percent
Why does the power of human greed
come before helping those in need
or is compassion blind, no longer can she see?
I pray to god I'm not alone
so if you appreciate my tone
come out and Occupy this planet Earth with me.