Forum Post: The Idea that this movment needs!!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 7:55 a.m. EST by caseospace
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Ok may i go off on a huge tangent and be called out for a million things... ill tell you know the vision is not 100% yet... given so it would seem to me it wont until its improved upon by others... but ill give you a basic guideline as to what i see this world becoming.... breath blah blah blah kidding no seriously... Myself... (and im doing this from my point and i hope some improve upon this... i ask for an open mind please and realize that this vision is not one of clarity... yet... this is why i pitch this idea to become one of many.. and maybe of us all.. this idea i have honestly is what i see our world being shaped with at this very moment.. without anyone even realizing it happening... this idea is an idea of many angles and view points one of unity and freedom... one of technological advancements and one of LOVE!!! is stress the love for the simple fact that love is the driving force in the universe... now im not going to go all crazy hippie enlightened one on ya but i will say that i see an idea of spirituality for all.. meaning worship as you may... i myself are christian but i am seeing that everything has its place... i see an idea that no person shall go hungry... i see an idea where no person shall want for needs such as water food shelter energy and communication, it is said that there are only 3 needs for life water food and shelter... i see otherwise i see love as a basic need... i see energy as a basic need given the nature of the ages i see communication phone media internet as needs i also deeply view co-existence as a need... that is why i feel and pray that we are awakening to.... co-existence not just of human kind but of all kind.... i see clean energy as a BASIC planetary need! the technology is there look for yourself!! its not hard to find! i see an idea that is morphed across the conscious thought of the people into the idea that shall define the age!! this idea is and idea that i have yet to know.. as any of you either... yet! reasoning behind this is that this idea has not come to pass quite yet for it is not time yet... but by simply opening your mind to this idea, the idea of the idea if you will, clarifies. What i mean by this is that in order for this idea to come into existence it has to be thought... some may say well dont you know it if your telling us? problem with that is this idea is impossible to form in but a single mind.... it will take many... now you may ask now how do i think of an idea to come to pass? how do i manifest such an idea? simple... give it thought, all of you and think deeply, think intuitively, think with your heart and your brain... think with your unified mind... love this idea... be thankful for this idea even if you have not "received" this idea...embrace it...feel good in knowing that this idea is the idea that will shape the world.... shape it in such a beauty.... one of co-existence... an idea... an idea can change the world... even if you dont even know what it is yet....hence forth the world being flat.....
So what are you doing about it?
its beyond me as it is you... only us.... can make this happen... and if you are an enlightened mind you could see the power in this... given the fact that we are going into a solidifying wave length here in a few days....
love is beyond you?
so "it" was love? i surround myself and those around me in love all day everyday.. i send love to all of the occupants and to those who are not awake yet.. i send love to our foes and friends... i send love to all who i come across... i vibrate on a frequency of love all that i can...