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Forum Post: The Humanist Party: Humanist behavioral, cultural and political revolutions

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 4:15 a.m. EST by ethansewall (0) from Quincy, MA
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I am the founder of the Humanist Party, a new political party in the United States. I am currently living in the United Arab Emirates, teaching high school and learning Arabic. I have written a book, which is almost completed, that is both an investigation of American culture and a narratie of a preliminary political platform for the Humanist Party. I wish I were in the States now to talk about my book. It does not just describe problems. It offers solutions. The Democrats and Republicans cannot help America solve its problems. Only humanist behavioral, cultural and political revolutions can. The time is now for true, positive change in America. The last nail has not been hammered into the coffin of change. We need to get people, whether they oversimplify themselves as liberals or conservatives or do not wish to associate with either group, to double down on change. I would like to share my book and ideas with you. Please contact me at sewaet@yahoo.com if you are interested. Peaceful people, fight!



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