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Forum Post: The Human Assemblage Point

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 9:12 a.m. EST by lifesprizes (298)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The idea that how we behave and how we feel might be beyond our rational control is largely unbelievable to most healthy people. Such people are extremely fortunate as they have a stable, near central Assemblage Point.

The Assemblage Point is a cluster of strong energy lines or strings. Close to the body they have an average diameter of about 1.0 centimeter or less. These lines pass through the chest and out of the back not unlike the Earth’s magnetic north and South Pole. There is an energy “potential” both along the length of the lines and across their diameter.

The Assemblage Point has a critical relationship with our embryonic life force. A good stable physical location near the centre of the chest is essential for good mental and physical health.

Gross misalignment of the Assemblage Point location is present in many diseases such as: Depression, post natal depression, bipolar syndrome, paranoia, schizophrenia, drug and alcohol addiction, epilepsy, senile dementia, coma, Parkinsonism, toxicity, leukemia, cancer, auto immune deficiency syndrome, myalgic encephalomyelitis, multiple sclerosis, and many others. Many of these conditions are accompanied by compromised pathology of the patient’s hematology and biochemistry.

Extreme locations to the right side of the chest with an acute angle are associated with extrovert psychotic behavior such as violence, bullying, rape, stalking, murder, terrorism or fanaticism.

The Assemblage Point is the unknown factor that is absent in all current medical, psychological, scientific, philosophical and spiritual models.




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