Forum Post: The "Horsepucky" Test
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 2:01 p.m. EST by hrk34
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Here is an easy “horse pucky” test so you know when to end a pointless political conversation.
If someone uses the words Nazi, Marxist, Obambi, etc, STOP LISTENING.If someone quotes talk radio commentators or an online chain letter, STOP LISTENING.
- If someone refuses any facts, STOP LISTENING.
- If someone insists that all the trouble started in Jan. 2009, STOP LISTENING.
- If someone uses “liberal” as a smear, say thank you for noticing and STOP LISTENING. Remember, to some folks the word Liberal = Nut. You may be pro-life, debt free, and hard working but if liberal or progressive, you are considered the devil.
Is someone uses CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS stop listening.