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Forum Post: The Horror, The Horror

Posted 12 years ago on May 3, 2012, 11:45 a.m. EST by scream (0)
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[-] 1 points by hillshillsandsod (7) 12 years ago

To play devil's advocate, well over half of the art I've been able to see in person was contributed to museums (several of which don't charge an admission fee) by wealthy people who spent millions of dollars on the pieces to make them available to the public.

[-] 0 points by cooperbl (-88) 12 years ago

don't forget the wealthy people that founded museums, the Guggenheim ( NYC), The Frick(NYC) the Museum of Modern Art ( NYC) The Metropolitam Museum of Art (NYC)and the Metropolitan Opera (NYC)



[-] 0 points by farmerwhite (-4) 12 years ago

I know I can never do well and that all I ever get will be whatever I can beg from the government and because I can never have anything I really hate those who do have something.

There should be a way to take everything those rich bastards have and divvy it up between the rest of us who will never have anything. Once we've spent it all at least there won't be any rich bastards left and we'll all be miserable equally.

[-] 3 points by VQkag (930) 12 years ago

This twisted post is not what ows is about. Its just a dishonest tool of the 1% trying to discredit a great American movement fighting for working families.

[-] 0 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

They have a MILLION twisted little tricks up their sleeve, don't they.

[-] -2 points by cooperbl (-88) 12 years ago

ows a great american movement? it was started by a canadian group.lasn hates capitalism. soros funds this group through his many organizations.maurice strong is also a big part of the ows stategy. ows has nothing to do with "fighting for working families" they're fighting to destroy capitalism and the USA.

[-] 2 points by VQkag (930) 12 years ago

OWS is fighting to correct the inequities that exist as a result of the crimes that big business has perpetrated against the American people. Support American families. support ows

[-] -3 points by cooperbl (-88) 12 years ago

you're just another useful idiot, pawn of ows.

[-] 3 points by VQkag (930) 12 years ago

more name calling? You are spent. I've worn you down with facts and logic. reasonableness, and respect. Support OWS. You are the 99% too!! You have been cheated!! Your government has been stolen by multi national corp who care nothing for hard working Americans. Come join the brave OWS protesting who are fighting for YOU. We need each other!! Vote out big business lovin politicians.!

[-] -2 points by cooperbl (-88) 12 years ago

"brave protestors"? what joke.

[-] 1 points by VQkag (930) 12 years ago

They have to subject themselves to ridicule, police abuse, rain, crime, and more. they do this for you. Join us. support ows. we fight for you. vote out big oil, big bank lovin republicans

[-] -1 points by cooperbl (-88) 12 years ago

police abuse? ows people trashed police cars, crime? ows people raped and stole from their own people, Rain? Oh , the horror of it all.

[-] 2 points by VQkag (930) 12 years ago

Support OWS. they fight for american working families. they fight for you! Vote out anti 99% politicians

[-] -1 points by cooperbl (-88) 12 years ago

So, what do you say is the $ value of a human life? if you feel that human life has a $ worth , what are your feelings about late term abortion? Whats the big deal about how much someone was willing to pay for a drawing? why does it bother you so much that there are people with a lot of money? does it bother you that an actor can get paid 20 mil to act in a movie?