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Forum Post: The Haney Group: A Room for Alternative Energy Source: Solar Energy Collecting as an Alternatives Energy Source

Posted 11 years ago on July 2, 2013, 8:03 p.m. EST by lovepink (1)
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Boiler Efficiency Technology: Compared to solar energy which collects alternative energy at a dependable constant, water evaporates and wind dies down.

A solar panel is made up of an array of black squares called photovoltaic cells which collect energy from the Sun. More and more, solar panels are getting more efficient, and progressively cheaper due to innovative designs which focus the collected sunlight with ever-increasing precision to a singular point.

As the size of the cells decreases, their efficiency increases, making each cell less expensive and more productive to manufacture. In terms of cost, therefore, the price of producing solar-power energy per watt-hour has decreased to $4.00 as of this writing; whereas, 17 years ago, it was almost double that cost.

Generating solar-powered electricity is clearly environment-friendly because of its absolutely zero emissions into the atmosphere while it utilizes one of the most naturally available resources to generate it.

Solar panels are gradually and definitely becoming more practical and popular features on the rooftops of people’s homes, being easy to install as a heating system to provide hot water or electricity.

Photovoltaic cells utilize copper pipes running through a glass-covered collector for heating water which is usually stored in a water tank on the roof. The circulated water is siphoned thermally in and out of the tank, producing hot water.

Even on cloudy or stormy days, photovoltaic cells have become more efficient at collecting enough solar energy. Particularly, Uni-Solar, has developed solar collection arrays for the home that operate efficiently during overcast days, by utilizing a more technologically-advanced system which stores more energy at one time during sunny days than other less-efficient systems.

Another solar power system now available for consumers is the PV System which is connected to a nearby electrical grid. When there is an excess of solar energy being collected by any home, the excess energy is transmitted to the grid for shared use as a means of decreasing the grid’s dependence on hydro-generated electricity.

Connecting to the PV System can help bring down one’s energy costs as compared to a complete solar energy system, while immediately decreasing pollution and removing pressure off the grid system. Several places are establishing centralized solar collection systems for small towns or suburban areas.

Some top corporations have signified their intention to also enter into the use of solar power generation (a clear sign that solar-generated energy has become an economically viable source of alternative energy). In fact, Google is installing a 1.6-megawatt solar-power generation system on top of its corporate headquarters, while Wal Mart plans to set up its own gigantic 100-megawatt system.


http://thehaneygroup.org/blog/ http://haneyenergysaving.blogspot.com/



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