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Forum Post: The Hag is now the Ganster Hag

Posted 8 years ago on June 1, 2016, 3:34 a.m. EST by Shule (2638)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Latest news claims Hillary, alias the "the Hag", could be up on Federal Racketeering charges, and that the Clinton Foundation can be classified as a Crimminal Enterprize by taking bribes and other monies in return for political favors.


And none of the main stream news is reporting it.

Ok, so the allegations may be a bit embellished, but there is truth in the pudding.



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[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 8 years ago

Slick commando dragon's experienced advice to America the Beautiful probably is: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zkfkJCyqCBc7

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 8 years ago

Petition update - Attn Bernie Supporters: Media Attempting to Suppress the Vote Tomorrow! https://www.change.org/p/6834767/u/16844663?recruiter=499424369&utm_campaign=petition_update_email_twitter_dialog&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=petition_update … via @Change

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 8 years ago

Mx. Cheese is a citizen, so is Tera eRex. Mx. Cheese + Tera eRex = Citizens United.

AmerDinnerJar says, "The U.S. has NO political Corruption. We collect political Donations. Please put yours into my jar after the dinner with the Canned-Teat-Date. Media will conjure up the Spirits of the Dead for you vinos to suck after the meal." Gansta rap plays in the background, "Vino, vino for Virginia ..."

How can the media possibly call Mx. Cheese a party nominee before the most important state of all has weighed in? June 6th is D-Day Invasion, not Cali's voting day on June 7th! This is blatant Voter Suppression. Cali (it should really be called a "country," on nearly equal footing as Russia, even more so on population, land area, and GDP, than our heartburn big-gun lone-star Tex [yep, THAT other Big-Sister "country," with cojones!]) is the number-one state of the U.S.A. - Cali cannot be ignored!

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 8 years ago

It is blatant voter manipulation - just like having 520 super delegates declare for sHillary before the race even began.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 8 years ago

It enables the demonkrapts to skew towards pay-for-play sorcery. It helps to narrow the base and spin the party out of control.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 8 years ago

It's not just the demoncrapts it is the whole wealthy establishment in the public as well as the private sector working together to rig the game.

Now the public is looking at the worst case scenario (unless something happens 3rd party) two of the most disliked candidates EVER to be presented to the public for the office of president.

This is the reality because even though the convention for the dem nominee isn't until July - the DNC made their pick prior to the race ever beginning with 520 super delegates declaring for sHillary.

Then there is Drumpf. I mean - WTF? - RIGHT? Well I firmly believe that Drumpf was made possible by design. YEP. On purpose. By having the establishment GOP offering be so hated by the general population of the red states. How else would such a pathological liar - racist - misogynist - hater ever get the opportunity to be the leading GOP candidate? It is because the GOP establishment government has worked so hard - especially in the last 12 years to thoroughly alienate any sane individual who still considered themselves republican. So when an insane asshole comes along who has no background in politics comes along and says he will change the GOP and fix the country. Many totally disgusted people - say - WHY THE HELL NOT? That is how we got Drumpf as the GOP candidate = absolute hate of establishment.

Does anyone think that Drumpf has a snowball's chance in a blast furnace? I don't.

But I don't think Drumpf winning was EVER a consideration of allowing him to run in the GOP by the GOP.

Sure everyone is sold on the idea that the last thing the republicans could ever want is sHillary winning in November. But HEY - she is more of a republican in all of her actions in office than a democrat.

Makes no difference really when you come down to it. Both Drumpf & sHillary are wealthy establishment and they will cater to the wealthy establishment - it does not matter what they say in public to get elected. Once in office they will do their own thing and that thing will be to feather their own nest as well as that of the rest of the wealthy few - by continuing down the road we have been on for over the last forty years!

One possible error in setting up this whole charade of a choice for president by the wealthy few - Is - that I don't think they fully realised how popular Bernie Sanders campaign FOR The People would turn out to be.

Bernie may be screwed out of an opportunity to be president (by foul and yes criminal means) - but part of that is his own fault by not setting up to run 3rd party as a necessary back-up plan. But continuing on - The wealthy few may well get the presidency and it really does not matter if it is sHillary or Drumpf - THE POSSIBLE ERROR THAT THE WEALTHY MAY HAVE MADE IS IN HOW MANY OTHER OFFICES THEY MAY LOSE CONTROL OF BY THE NOW IMPASSIONED PUBLIC.

Like Bernie says (and I have always said) = the president can not do it alone. Not for GOOD and Not for EVIL. It takes a working majority in the senate and congress.

So perhaps the people will not get a president that represents them this time around - BUT - perhaps the public will remove some assholes from office and replace them with people who will represent for the people.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 8 years ago

Drumpf was more of a hernia, not intentional. GOOP used divisive tactics for a long time to rig continuous control thereby narrowing the base until Drumpf has discovered how to motivate the dropouts with incendiary rhetorics and inflammatory ideas, some actually important and valid but still ignored by the well-connected. The party spun out of control teetering due to too strong of a push/accretion, and too little to stand upon.

Demonkrapts are going down exactly the same path. The older generations having the control will all die off so one day one will ask, "Where have all the Demons gone?" Gathered to their graves. Allahu Akbar! "ISIS: We'll take it from here, Dad." even after singing "Under the Sea" touting Neptune's Dominion to the Little Mermaid.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 8 years ago

"But I don't think Drumpf winning was EVER a consideration of allowing him to run in the GOP by the GOP."

Neither was Bernie winning EVER a consideration.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 8 years ago

Neither was Bernie winning EVER a consideration.

True - the DNC's only objective was to use Bernie to get people back into the party. They opened a can of worms that they just were not expecting = wide spread dissatisfaction openly voiced about the DNC establishment along with government in general.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 8 years ago

The demonkrapts had to resort to overt riggings to retain their control so these methods could no longer stay in the shadows simply because there was just so much interest and so many pairs of eyes looking. Who or what downed TWA flight 800 in 1996? Was the administration suppressing the witness accounts and findings of the Feral Burro of Incontinence or was it just another case of overly active bladder?

It may well be their miscalculation that the newly enrolled voters will simply switch to vote for the funky Mx. Cheese. I am NOT ruling out an indicted criminal to emerge from 'die Kristallnacht' for women because the Feral Burro of Incontinence got a security referral from the State Department. I am looking forward to a presidentially-pardoned convicted criminal to occupy the White House. Drumpf may NOT be a snowball in a blast furnace after all.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 8 years ago

If Bernie does not get to the general election i … http://www.dailykos.com/comments/1536588/62062081

If Bernie does not get to the general election in Nov (most likely won’t) — THEN — The most important thing that sane voters of the general public could do — Will BE — to remove from office all of the establishment republicans possible from office as well as those in the democratic party that vote consistently with those republicans.


Because — for one thing the republicans in office have shown that they are lockstep together dead set against positive government reform that would support the WHOLE population and most especially address income inequality as well as civil rights for all as well as proper universal health care for all as well as ending the for profit prison system and OH SO MANY OTHER ISSUES that affect the general populations health including environmental health.

It is not the president who holds all of the cards for making change in government. Not for EVIL and not for GOOD. It is the WORKING MAJORITY OF OFFICE HOLDERS IN THE SENATE AND CONGRESS that holds the power of what will be pushed forward in policy and law.

This is why I hope Bernie will increase his endorsing of potential candidates for office that will represent the people the same as he has always worked to represent the people.

IMO — sHillary Rotten Clinton is no different than any republican currently in office and will support the current status quo once elected to office. You may very well disagree — but then how hard have you looked at her actual record of actions while in office?

The Thing Is — we can have an unworthy president as long as we don’t have an unworthy WORKING majority in office in the Senate & Congress to create & forward bad legislation.

sHillary will in my opinion have plenty of bipartisan support for continuing on down the road of catering to the wealthy few that has been growing increasingly worse for over forty years now.

It might be better if Drumpf won — IF — we could be certain that the working majority (currently republican) would not be forwarding crap that Drumpf would support. For example = rounding up (trying to round up) 11 million currently illegal aliens or building a massively expensive wall along our southern border or starting a program of religious as well as ethnic suppression or eliminating women’s rights or worker’s rights etc etc etc etc. If we could be certain of another four years of republican obstructionism played out against Drumpf as thoroughly as they have done to Obama’s 8 years in office I believe we would be much better off than with sHillary in office. But we can not count on that either just like we can’t expect the same republican obstructionism to be played out against sHillary.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 8 years ago
  1. Illegal aliens - Family has family rules; State has state laws. 家有家规, 国有国法。 Some leeways (such as a path to citizenship for the illegal aliens' dragged-along children educated here in the U.S.A.) may be possible because we should take responsibility for not having guarded our borders. Tax the Mitt Romney's, for example, who benefited from hiring the illegal aliens even though he could amply afford not to.

  2. Southern border wall - much cheaper than our other national stupidities but mostly beside the point. Northern border has had far more terrorist infiltration attempts than the rather deadly southern border still left unguarded. Besides, the bulk of illegal aliens flew in legally and overstayed their visas. The Southern Wall (I think we can certainly better "die Mauer" when we put our Yankee ingenuity to it; our megalomaniac Big-Sister Tex may well gleefully chip in and join in, too) is a good try but off the mark (unless it's to interdict drug smuggling). It may be seen as racist, not a good idea for the U.S.A. whose motto is 'e pluribus unum'.

  3. Religious and ethnic suppression - Unconstitutional and Un-American. Read the Bill of Rights and other constitutional amendments. Lady Liberty cradles the Constitution with her left arm and holds the torch in her right hand. The modern version is different but Tera eRex, you get the French idea, don't you?

  4. Women's rights - they MUST be advanced and then enforced. Nearly half of our populace under overt and covert oppression and discrimination is Unacceptable. Tera eRex has very insensitive mouthing-off's about women. Keep in mind that every woman is unique and may take things differently. Apologize if any woman feels wronged.

  5. Workers' rights - they MUST be enforced and enhanced. For decades, the unsavory business class has been skirting the laws on the books and the government has been doing the wink, winks.

I am concerned about Tera eRex's religious and ethnic discriminatory slants. Impugning a judge's ethnic heritage is Un-American. All citizens of the U.S.A. must defend our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, religious and irreligious, ethnic and non-ethnic. If Islamo-fascism is a problem, the U.S.A. can certainly engage it in a perpetual global police action.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 8 years ago

Kiss to America!

-- "We'll take it from here, Dad."

Dad: "Americans are sick and tired of hearing about your damned e-mails!"

That's Very Funny, Haha! Hey Dad ... Thanks! ;)

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 8 years ago

Daily Kos is not a progressive site it is not democratic either it does not believe in or allow free speech as if it did it would have had no reason to remove the following comment:

A message has been issued from site admin at Thu Jun 09 2016 17:07:21 GMT-0500 (Central Standard Time):

A comment you made was hidden by the community for being outside of site rules. The text was:

If Bernie does not get to the general election i …

If Bernie does not get to the general election in Nov (most likely won’t) — THEN — The most important thing that sane voters of the general public could do — Will BE — to remove from office all of the establishment republicans possible from office as well as those in the democratic party that vote consistently with those republicans.


Because — for one thing the republicans in office have shown that they are lockstep together dead set against positive government reform that would support the WHOLE population and most especially address income inequality as well as civil rights for all as well as proper universal health care for all as well as ending the for profit prison system and OH SO MANY OTHER ISSUES that affect the general populations health including environmental health.

It is not the president who holds all of the cards for making change in government. Not for EVIL and not for GOOD. It is the WORKING MAJORITY OF OFFICE HOLDERS IN THE SENATE AND CONGRESS that holds the power of what will be pushed forward in policy and law.

This is why I hope Bernie will increase his endorsing of potential candidates for office that will represent the people the same as he has always worked to represent the people.

IMO — sHillary Rotten Clinton is no different than any republican currently in office and will support the current status quo once elected to office. You may very well disagree — but then how hard have you looked at her actual record of actions while in office?

The Thing Is — we can have an unworthy president as long as we don’t have an unworthy WORKING majority in office in the Senate & Congress to create & forward bad legislation.

sHillary will in my opinion have plenty of bipartisan support for continuing on down the road of catering to the wealthy few that has been growing increasingly worse for over forty years now.

It might be better if Drumpf won — IF — we could be certain that the working majority (currently republican) would not be forwarding crap that Drumpf would support. For example = rounding up (trying to round up) 11 million currently illegal aliens or building a massively expensive wall along our southern border or starting a program of religious as well as ethnic suppression or eliminating women’s rights or worker’s rights etc etc etc etc. If we could be certain of another four years of republican obstructionism played out against Drumpf as thoroughly as they have done to Obama’s 8 years in office I believe we would be much better off than with sHillary in office. But we can not count on that either just like we can’t expect the same republican obstructionism to be played out against sHillary.

I acknowledge receipt of this message: (Posting is not allowed until the message is acknowledged.)

Note: This is the message I recieved from Daily Kos (includes the comment I made that was removed) that does not even allow for the possibility of appeal!

Note: The author of the diary where this comment was removed from liked my comment and recommended it!

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 8 years ago


U get any bounty $ ?

est politics” & “establishment economics,” which, unfortunately, Clinton epitomizes http://www.salon.com/2016/06/10/the_democrats_party_derailed_bernie_how_the_establishment_has_worked_to_discredit_sanders_movement/

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 8 years ago

It truly sucks & 1 must know that real democracy is just a heartbeat (election) away from oblivion - when the DNC choice (sHillary) & the GOP choice (not without a lot of crying for their loss of their establishment credibility - horrific as it was) is conman supposed billionaire Drumpf - both being embroiled with many criminal counts that are under current investigation, are still the front runners of their respective parties!

[-] 1 points by Shule (2638) 8 years ago

YEs, truly a sad state of affairs when a government, especially our U.S. government, gets overrun by some gangs of thugs.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 8 years ago

By itself, the Feral Burro of Incontinence cannot piss that high up the hog. The Attorney General of the United States has the authority to turn down the recommendation for indictment of Mx. Cheese's mint, even if such recommendation exists and is divulged to the public (i.e., not covered up or censored).

The matter is up to a female D-size (not an R-size one with two legs underneath the D) political appointee. I absolutely trust in the 3€ om D-size batteries powering Slick Willie, though - no battery lasts like it, and no battery ohmphs like it.