Forum Post: The Great Thanksgiving Hoax
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 24, 2011, 6:12 a.m. EST by darrenlobo
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Each year at this time school children all over America are taught the official Thanksgiving story, and newspapers, radio, TV, and magazines devote vast amounts of time and space to it. It is all very colorful and fascinating.
It is also very deceiving. This official story is nothing like what really happened. It is a fairy tale, a whitewashed and sanitized collection of half-truths which divert attention away from Thanksgiving's real meaning.
Thus the real reason for Thanksgiving, deleted from the official story, is: Socialism does not work; the one and only source of abundance is free markets
Give Thanx For Solidarity ! For without it, where are we and what do we have ?!! Onwards & Upwards !!! ; by Chris Hedges ; by Gil Scott-Heron ; by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz ; (video) &
"No heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams” - (Paulo Coelho) & Happy 'TG' :-)
pax, amor et lux ...
In spite of the seemingly very pernicious point in history that the World is in now, I feel very fortunate to be amongst so many good people working hard to make this a Better World. Happy Thanksgiving,
"Thanksgiving and the Socialist Imaginary'', by Ben Agger :
From which I excerpt & abridge ...
''The Democratic Party's rightward shift began in earnest with Bill Clinton and the former Democratic Leadership Council, and it has accelerated since the Tea Party was given life by the 2008 bailout. But the problem is more profound.
''This imaginary is necessary as Democratic politicians wrap themselves in the flag, profess a militant militarism, support the death penalty and bow their heads in prayer, positions recommended by opinion polling, which does not include a social-democratic agenda as one of its possible options. Thus, the political status quo reproduces itself.
''Thanksgiving, the second Monday in October since 1957, began earlier in Canada. An English explorer named Martin Frobisher threw the first thanksgiving celebration during his effort to find the Northwest Passage. The Canadian holiday was and remains a harvest festival. The US version is usually traced to 1621, after the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock and broke bread with local Native Americans. (The word "thanksgiving" was used in the Virginia colony in 1619, but historical detail gives way to the conventional narrative.)
''Perhaps all holiday time is utopian. It is easy to read Jimmy Stewart's character, in Frank Capra's Christmas movie, It's a Wonderful Life, as a working-class hero, running a building and loan in order to provide the proletariat with affordable housing. The robber-baron banker, Potter, is Scrooge, suggesting, too, that AChristmas Carol can be read for socialist meaning. Dickens' holiday classic was penned at almost the same time Marx composed his early writings, on alienation and humanism. Maybe we like Thanksgiving because it augurs Christmas - a socialist cornucopia in which nothing has a price. Holidays bear utopia as the negation of present suffering, a political resource at a time when mainstream Democrats cannot outright the right.''
Solidarity for a Better World for us all - it is possible, IF we're willing to struggle. Resistance Is Fertile.
per ardua ad astra ...
LewRockewell is spewing more B.S. on top of B.S.; the nerve of suggesting Thanksgiving was really a celebration of capitalism. That just reeks. May as well then do away with Thanksgiving and replace it with "Black Thursday." (as if that is not already happening.)
By the way, ever consider what do the Native Americans have to say about all this:
Input for ya from a Mayflower descendent (via Peregrine Whyte/ White, the baby born November 20th in the bay while compact was made). Our ancestors were chucked out of both England and Holland for no real reason except being different. In sequence they went from England to Holland with the Separatists then back to sail from there. In fact Peregrine was a family name because of more than one relative who recovered from what was viewed as incurable disorders such as cancer, the name being significant of the saint who could heal of the same. My great aunt told me it was family lore that they were thus accused of witchcraft. Think about it. The Mayflower party were not rich when they came over, they were rejects. The rich folk came when the land was built up and established. The first adventurers were given land granted for fidelity to the crown and my line remained Tory during the revolution (which banned us from the DAR). But they were thankful that they escaped lives of servitude and oppression, survived a trip so harrowing, and likely sat a bit away from the fire.
BTW my birthday is November 22nd which was Thanksgiving the year I was born. And I hate turkey. I like flounder with butter and a little Cajun seasoning though.
Have nice holidays.