Forum Post: The Great Reset
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 3:54 p.m. EST by precipice
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This may sound extreme, but consider it a thought experiment. This is only for the sake of argument and to jog some ideas.
In some ways, we need a "Great Reset" of the government and the economy. Here's why.
Tax laws and the financial system is too complicated. Nobody understands them except for the rich who can higher accountants to help find loopholes. Google, Facebook, Cisco, and a ton of other companies are based in Dublin, Ireland to escape taxes. That's getting ridiculous. Over time, the system will get even more complex with new laws and bureaucratic bullshit such that normal people can't navigate it.
Isn't it strange how nearly all politicians seem to be millionaires, at least? They're not normal people. Our whole political election system is inaccessible. It's also terribly prone to corruption. Republicans and Democrats - bleh, neither are good. I want to see everyday people like teachers, engineers, and professors on the ballot sheet for president. Obviously, no more corporate donations.
There are too many laws that are rotten to the core already. The government needs to be reset, rebuilt from scratch to really solve any of this.
Corrupt laws have allowed the rich to unfairly, but legally, seize a vast amount of our nation's wealth. We need a financial reset to undo this.
The way companies and the wealthy act needs to be changed. We need more laws that encourage people to give back to the communities that helped to create their wealth. Examples: once you reach $50 million in net worth, your tax bracket should go to 80% - who needs more than that? Once a corporation reaches $200 million in net worth, it must begin putting more money back into the country.
Capitalism is a good idea to build off of, but if let to run free, it can quickly reach destabilizing extremes that are just plain "not nice." Maybe it's legal, maybe it's fair. But it's just not nice to build mansions for yourself while your fellow countrymen are starving in the streets. You wouldn't do that to your family or friends if they were in need. We need a new philosophy based on "treat others as you'd like them to treat you. be considerate and try to help others," and we need to build laws based on that principle to promote that ideology. If you don't want to be nice, if you're okay with watching others starve on the streets while you're buying you're 10th mansion, then get out of the country - we don't want you. Capitalism is a good start, but it doesn't quite work.
Possible courses of action: To implement a government reset, we need to storm the capital and reclaim our government for the people. Not for the politicians. This may be the only way. We'll write a new government and this time, ensure it is protected from corruption. The new government will be internet-based, efficient, simple, and follow ideologies on promoting kindness to others. To implement a financial reset, we will set the value of the US Dollar at zero and install a new currency.
I stopped taking you seriously after you said to cap net worths.
The only thing I agree with is to simplify the tax code
what if voters got to VOTE on a reset?
If you start to lose when you're playing Monopoly, one common strategy is to give up and scatter the pieces and end the game, and move to a different game that you're more likely to win.
you mean actual responsibilities? but theres TV to watch...
When President Obama hires the son of Bank Of Americas former CEO to be his finance director for his re-election bid????? Remember, Chad Gifford is one of those CEO's who created this mess and now sits back eating his pie, whilst sitting on his GOLDEN PARACHUTE.