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Forum Post: The Great Disruption:

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 3, 2012, 6:59 p.m. EST by phoneboy (7)
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The Great Disruption: Why the Climate Crisis Will Bring On the End of Shopping and the Birth of a New World Summary:

Bloo..msb..ury Pre..ss 2011 | 304 Pages | 1608192237 | EPUB + PDF | 2 MB + 2 MB

Gilding, former director of Greenpeace International and now on the faculty at Cambridge University's Program for Sustainable Leadership, proposes that global warming is just one piece of an impending planetary collapse caused by our overuse of resources. According to the Global Footprint Network, we surpassed Earth's capacity in 1988, and by 2009, we needed the resources of 1.4 planets to sustain our economy —and any increases in efficiencies that some claim will solve the problem are likely only to encourage us to use more. Gilding argues that, like addicts who need to hit bottom, we energy users will deny our problem until we face head-on the risk of collapse, but when we do, we will address the emergency with the commitment of our response to WWII and begin a real transformation to a sustainable economy built on equality, quality of life, and harmony with the ecosystem. Gilding's confidence in our ability to transform disaster into a happiness economy may astonish readers, but the book provides a refreshing, provocative alternative to the recent spate of gloom-and-doom climate-change studies.



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[-] 1 points by the99areLazy (14) from Benton, PA 13 years ago

I believe there is some truth to the claim that our consumption of resources is unsustainable. I also believe that we are way too God damn spoiled rotten to make any real sacrifices voluntarily. Especially from the bottom up (as nations and individuals). Also way too irresponsible to get our population growth under control.

The life sustaining resources will become more and more scarce and expensive over time. They will be looted by the poor and needy. This will cause chaos and a chain reaction leading to a total collapse of modern society.

Hopefully, the survivors will finally understand what we failed to in time.

Our standard of living will be our downfall.

[-] 1 points by ModestCapitalist (2342) 13 years ago

I believe there is some truth to the claim that our consumption of resources is unsustainable. I also believe that we are way too God damn spoiled rotten to make any real sacrifices voluntarily. Especially from the top down (as nations and individuals). Also way too irresponsible to get our population growth under control.

The life sustaining resources will become more and more scarce and expensive over time. They will be hoarded by the rich. This will cause a chain reaction leading to a total collapse of modern society.

Hopefully, the survivors will finally understand what we failed to in time.

Greed kills. It will be our downfall.

[-] 1 points by teddyg (13) 13 years ago

I think presently, that we are experiencing the birth pangs of a new world. The Arab spring and ows gives us a feeling about what it will be like.
