Forum Post: The Graph that shows it all
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 9, 2011, 6:08 p.m. EST by invient
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 9, 2011, 6:08 p.m. EST by invient
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Amazing! From 1979 - 2007 after-tax income for the top1% grew 275%, and only 40% for the middle class.
The top 1% can't and won't live without the other 99%. It doesn't add to 100%. ;)
Check this out:
Several more graphs and analysis that build on the OP's.
Have you considered that we are now in a full global economy-that those whose businesses are multi national now not only have 330 million potential customers-but now 7B customers-have you thought about that. Consider that standard of living for much of America-its way better than anywhere else-you yourself have more products than you did ten years ago. People in China and other countries are having their standard of living go up-there is less starvation in these areas-there are good sides to every story.
2/3 of china population is not contributing to anything they are too poor. and only 3 billion of the 7 have enough money to buy anything. and the only way china can improve their standard of living is by taking it away from us. cant you see that.
perhaps you have not been in China in the last few years-you might be shocked. Big corporates largest market for Caddys-it is China. Starvation is lowered in China, standard of living going up along with wages.
exactly, and america middle class being reduced as a result. that is my point.
So you are ok with America having all wealth? Thats sort sad and narrow.
im very ok with america having all the wealth. these companies got rich off americans.. then they wanted to get richer and went global. so yes.. america should have all the wealth. it came from here and should be returned global babysitting has to stop. those countries have had the same amount of time to do the same thing.. they didnt .. tooooo bad for them.
have you considered what is happening in the EU? Think deeply about what is happening there. You come off as nationalistic. Do yourself a favor-travel and discover. When you first see what real poverty looks like, you might form a different world view on this. You are protesting lack of wealth-while in other countries, they appreciate food.
i know what real poverty looks like.. im trying to insure that no american should suffer this . will it take until your neighbor hood is reduced to a tin shanty town until you say enough? or is that ok with you.. you are not one of the rich.. your grandkids will be eating out of dumpsters if nothing changes. the rich INTEND for us to be like that.. appreciative of food forget housing or clothing or education.. and you want to keep the status qou?
And always room for improvement.
You are spewing propoganda for those less informed and who do not exercise critical thinking. The improvement does not come from scape goating the very businesses that provide employment. I think your ire should be focused on those who write the laws that let some get away greed-look at Fannie and Freddie-look at the bonus being handed out. This is gov.
My point was no system is perfect, and everything can always be improved.
I am not scape goating the businesses, I am scape goating the people that unduly influenced our democracy to insure that they pay less in taxes than in any other time in history. The government is part of the problem, but so are these so called job creators who have deliberately played the system in their own favor.
This is no different than the reports coming out of Zucotti park-in fighting over the money. Its happening to the very people who are claming self-righteousness!
If you get drunk and drive your car-and get arrested, they arrest you-not the CAR! Dont you see. Those who write the rules are the only ones who can make change. The ones who have "Played" the system did so becasue they could-becasue they had shareholder pressure to produce a good quarter. That shareholder pressure came from me and perhaps you-people with a 401K that wanted more return on investment. Outside of Wall Street-most not all-but most coporates operate within the rules. The corporates who dont-simply note how close they are to gov. The further a company is away from law makers, the more responsible they "play". Think about it.
It could be easily argued that currently the moneyed influencers are the drivers...