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Forum Post: The government should supply a safety net not a hammock.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 6:10 a.m. EST by RayinPenn (50)
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1) The government is supposed to supply all my needs. A job, health benefits,disaster relief, etc. Truth: The government has been and will always be the worse provider for anything. Inefficient and bloated they will waste money every time. The governments main job is to provide an environment where people can be left to their own devices to succeed or fail. The more the government is involved with anything the greater the likelihood of failure. Our government should provide a limited safety net of last resort..not a hammock. 2) The government should pay my student loans. Reality: Choosing an expensive college is a personal decision. If you choose to take on the debt it's your burden not societies. if you decide to back to school at 40 years old  god bless! but I'm not paying for it.  It took me ten years to pay off my loans.  By the way I went to school at nights for 6 years. 3) We represent the 99%. Reality: More like less than 1%. Many of us believe we need to make some changes but we will do that with our votes. 4) Redistribution of wealth is the answer. Reality: redistribution is already happening. Our jobs and oil money are headed overseas and the tax man takes it away from the wealthy when they die.  5) The American dream is dead.  Reality: Creativity, hard work, a passion and acuity in delivering a needed good or service will be rewarded. Take a look at Steve Jobs life. Why do you think so many people want to come here? 6) Banks are responsible for the economic crisis. Reality: people over extended themselves, falsified mortgage applications omitting debt and inflating salaries.  Many people had skin in the failure. Greed absolutely!  but was Everywhere! 7) The rich are keeping the masses down.  Reality: The  rich aren't hoarding a finite supply of food in their basements. Their money is on the stock market, their businesses and the economy.  They employ. It's easy to envy their successes, how can you hate a  Bill Gates? he created, became rich and now gives it away. Those earning over 250k should be taxed at a higher rate, not to punish or pay for some new worthless jobs bill. But to pay our incredible debt and guess what that will not be nearly enough entitlements must be reduced. 8) Capitalism/profits  are dirty words.  Reality: Capitalism although imperfect, brought us the iPad, 40 mpg cars and a million things we all take for granted. The other forms of government were tried and failed miserably.  9) They are responsible for my situation.  Reality: Count how often OWS speakers use the word they.  While some people clearly have had challenges (health, etc.)  Many of us are do our best to be masters of our own destiny.  Have you lived a simple life or have you been chasing the ever bigger toy? Have you truly taken advantage of every opportunity available to you?  It's often about taking responsibility for you choices. 10) In our new paradigm there will be jobs for everyone,  healthcare and it will be better. Reality: Look at Greece and the former Soviet Union.  The result will be either misery and/or unsustainable.   let skip the experiment we know it won't work.



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