Forum Post: The government has enabled corporations. Please redirect your criticism there.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 9:12 p.m. EST by taxbax
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And please don't expect the current administration, or anyone else spewing rhetoric, to save us from the debacle. Wall Street banks were the largest contributors to Obama's campaign and he works for them.
I do have fears that this movement has been hijacked as a political vehicle working to get him re-elected - mostly by the presence of, Michael Moore, and others.
I dislike the corporate oligarchy as much as the next protester but if you want to solve the problems, protest the government and research candidates to see who's policies are the soundest.
As long as there are politicians who take bribes, someone will bribe them. Just because you persecute those corporations who have bribed already, doesn't mean someone will slip in and fill their place. We need to elect leaders with the moral integrity to represent the 99% fairly (and the 100% really).
I agree. I have been saying the same thing too. I am glad others are aware of the danger of the OWS movement being hijacked by the democratic party. These guys that like to take bribes have changed the system so it allows them to do it legally in the form of lobbying and campaign funding. In addition to making sure the candidates are honest, we need to fix this lobbying process.
campaign finance reform used to be an issue, no one talks about that anymore.
if michael moore supports obomber again he will lose all credibility!!!
Crazy talk.
If you attack all the people in government and corporations then they will destroy you but if you find out who the really evil people are in the government and corporation that is making life a living hell for 99% of the people, then the good people in government and corporations will help you get rid of the 1% of evil people who are fucking 99% of the good people.
This protest certainly is NOT pro-Obama. He's complicit.
good to hear. I have heard otherwise but I am encouraged by the criticism i read on this forum.
I think perhaps my news sources, while independent, are not accurately reporting protester sentiment as echoed on this forum.
In my observance, this group is all over the map, politically. Anyone who comes to the table with a 'Ra-Ra for our party' is simply undermining the greater wisdom of the movement. At the end of the day, we'll all vote for different sorts of folks - but we all agree there's a problem here and that the fish rots from the head. The head of our corporate system, is symbolically, the folks on Wall Street - even though we know they exercise tremendous influence on our policy makers. And the head of our gov't, symbolically, is the president. And it ALL STINKS!
There are none. Sounds like anti Obama trolling to me. This protest is not about Obama.
why not? if you want to fix things, you need to dig deeper.
I am surely anti-Obama just as I am against both of the major political parties.
I think maybe you should do your own research and not base your opinions on the opinions of others.
Alright, then. I want to draft Bernie Sanders. Not that he will win but at least he presents another viewpoint.
I don't know him, but if you believe in him thats great. I just want to spread the message that corporate corruption is the symptom, government is the disease.
That is why I like the Tea Party, they are against corporate bailouts.
the Tea Party was just as much hijacked to work for the incumbent Republican candidates. Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are not reasonable people.
I agree that Glenn is a little looney. Sarah Palin is strong on economics and I don't mind the religion provided she keeps it out of government. That being said our most serious problem is economics, not religion.
And no, we have not been hijacked. Neither Palin or Beck speaks for us. We are for everyone in America, no class warfare and by the way our system helps the poor far more than the current one.
Why did the tea party candidates all run as republicans? It is because the tea party was hijacked by republicans. It is also interesting that almost all tea party candidates have the same social conservative ideals. It is no coincidence.
Look where the Teabaggers get their funding. The Koch brothers and Karl Rove sure as shit aren't representative of we the people.
I don't get any funding from them and frankly I think this is wildly exaggerated. This is the same as the right saying that the OWS movement was created by Obama and Soros.
We don't believe in corporatism so how in the world do you think we would support the Koch brothers?
well if you want to talk about funding, you are opening a can of worms. I have all the hope for OWS but if MoveOn, the unions, etc. take hold, then the funding of those organizations can be called into question too. MoveOn = George Soros.