Forum Post: THE GLOBAL BRAIN PROJECT WORLDWIDE MEDITATION EVENT (dedicated to the Occupy Wallstreet protest and to all those seeking freedom from oppression)
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 9:11 a.m. EST by GlobalBrainProject
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Saturday, 15th October, 2011 at 5.00 pm GMT (Local times below)
Join the Global Brain Project facebook group in its first worldwide meditation event and help take the global brain to a new level. The GBP is dedicated to activating the global brain and nothing is going to do more to make that happen than a worldwide collective meditation. The Global Brain Project group has organized this event in support of the Occupy Wallstreet protesters and those engaged in similar protests throughout the US and the world and all those seeking freedom from oppression. It is to them that this worldwide meditation is dedicated. For the rest of this post, please see the comments.
This is an opportunity to bring a gigantic burst of consciousness into the world that should have a significant effect. Indeed, if we can get enough people participating it is possible that we could provoke a quantum physics phenomenon known as a Waveform Transition. If we can make this happen we can change the world for the better on a permanent basis. We owe it to ourselves, to all seekers after freedom everywhere and to the world as a whole to participate in this event.
We have worked out a time that covers almost all the world time zones at more or less convenient times. Setting the start time as 5.00 pm GMT means that those on the east coast of the USA meditate at 11.00 am and those on the west coast do it at 8.00 am. If you live in Alaska and want to participate we would suggest you set your alarm clock. Please check the time difference for your US time zone. The US east coast time zone also includes the eastern edge of South America. Those in central and western S, America meditate at 12.00 noon and 1.00 pm respectively. Working eastwards from the UK, western Europe meditates at 6.00 pm, central Europe at 7.00 pm, eastern Europe at 8.00 pm and very Eastern Europe at 9.00 pm. These times zones also include the whole of Africa and the Middle East. Again, please check the time zone for your location. We selected the chosen day and time specifically so that we could include India in this event. However, it will be a late meditation for them -- 11.00 pm, I am afraid. Sorry about that India but at least you can sleep in on Sunday. Unfortunately, although we know there are many people who would like to participate there, we could not include Australia and New Zealand in a viable slot. If you would like to participate in either of those countries and are prepared to meditate in the small hours, we can do nothing but admire your dedication.
Please share or copy and paste this post onto your own wall and ask your friends to do the same. Please help to make this event viral. This is an opportunity for everyone who wishes that they could be a part of the protest movement to do their bit. Please help to make this happen. Thank you.
Jain Guru Dev