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Forum Post: The Future Of The 'Free' Capitalist World Is Controlled By Two Students Of Marx

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 2:09 p.m. EST by surplusunit (26)
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What would one say if the two most powerful leaders in the West, the proverbial free capitalist world, have never held a job in private industry, never signed the front of a check, and spent their childhood and collegiate years studying under professors and affiliations who studied and professed the ideals of Communism and Karl Marx? That is the unique situation the European Union and United States of America find themselves in this very day. As the crisis in crony capitalism and attempts at a command and control economy begin to fail once again, the results are entirely predictable, especially when one takes the time to review the historical backgrounds of Barrack Obama and Angela Merkel, the world leaders involved in determining the fate of the West.

Angela Merkel might have a substantive and well scrubbed internet presence like her American counterpart, yet the truth always seems to leak out of those crevices from the former Iron Curtain nations and the now evaporating records of the Soviet Union’s Eastern bloc nations. Unfortunately for Ms. Merkel, her biography is still available and while the history might be revised and re-written on the most searched internet sites, the truth shall be set free. The future of the European Union, the grand experiment of fiscal irresponsibility and fiat central banking run amok, is in the hands of someone who has never actively participated in capitalism, much less educated within a system that taught basic capitalist economics or fundamentals; not even Keynesian theory.

Barrack Hussein Obama’s past, along with his educational upbringing has been highlighted by the free press and conservative media for years now:

  • While in Indonesia, a student at a Koran based education under the quasi-socialist state of Indonesia, which favored the Marxist bloc as a “non-aligned” nation during that period of time and to some degree tried to implement the ideals of Islamic Socialism.

  • As a student at Occidental College, he began his affiliation with the extreme left, and started down the path of empathizing for the Marxist ideologues of that era. While there, affiliations were developed that he spoke openly about in his book Audacity of Hope where he said:

“To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.”

The leaders of two of the largest economies in the world are faced with a Constitutional crisis, financial crisis, and re-election issues which will dominate the next twelve months. Neither has ever held a position of part time or full time employment in the private sector. Neither have punched a clock. Neither of them have ever reviewed a P&L statement, submitted a company budget, signed the front of a check, nor ever created a single job in the private sector. The inescapable conclusion is that this is by design to destroy the Western way of life and cripple the economies of these two nations and continents for decades to come. If not this, then it is a classical blunder of history where coincidence has allowed this much power to be retained by the most unqualified leaders in history who should never have been promoted beyond the level of regional bureaucrat and our nations are damned to failure and decades of misery.




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