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Forum Post: The Future

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 12:39 a.m. EST by jdelassus (50)
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Somewhere, someone said none are so blind as those who refuse to see. Most politicians today refuse to talk about the future except in vague, general terms. Undoubtedly many have looked at the future and they don't like what they see or are hopeless xenophobes. Many people in positions of power and authority have made their decision long ago. They've chosen (not in such stark terms) wealth and privilege over truth and justice. It's very easy to be caught up in evil and and not even know it - indeed many firmly believe they are on the side of justice, law and order and those seen as the opposition are misguided, naive and wrong headed. When, in fact, in may just be the opposite. It's very difficult, if not impossible, for the self-righteous indignant to admit they are wrong.

So what's this all about anyway? In a sense, nothing. Those in positions of wealth and privilege see those downtrodden, unwashed masses as wanting to take their well deserved wealth away from them. While those in opposition are just wanting a decent standard of living, not unlike most Americans enjoyed since World War II.

What both sides seem to overlook is that the technological and productive capacity exists today, on a global basis, to provide a quality of life to rich and poor alike that far exceeds anything witnessed in the past. That productive capacity is so great that considerable evidence exists to support the claim that we, as a species, are destroying our own habitat. Don't feel sorry for the whales and trees. They'll find a way to survive but we may not.

To get to this next level of what ever you want to call it - evolution? - will naturally require considerable adjustment. Not so much in physical adjustment but mental adjustment. Joseph Campbell was right to say we need to conquer inner space before we can conquer outer space. And that's not going to be accomplished by a product bought off the shelf or a government program. That's going to require an inner journey. Something which many people are not comfortable with.

So that's the big question, will the transition be peaceful and orderly or will we continue down the road of self-destruction, hate and ignorance?



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[-] 2 points by saged (33) 13 years ago

i vote for self-destruction, hate and ignorance

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

work for the former, prepare for the later

[-] 1 points by PatriotSon01 (157) 13 years ago

This downtrodden person thinks you are over rationalizing the simplicity of what is going on. We are Americans and we had a country at one time, to call our own. We were allowed to raise families and stretch our legs in search of the elusive American Dream. We got so focused on ensuring our own slice of pie was rich enough, comfortable enough and secure enough, that we forgot about everyone else. The everyone else has come to be the 1% of this country and they have enough power and money to ensure that the rest of us, don't get any of their pie. Recently, our pie has become smaller, through extra taxation, new 'secure' laws that 'protect us' from terrorists and rewriting of our basic laws, such they reward and empower that same 1%. An example if you will; Has anyone looked at the recent flurry of laws that have been applied to the Bill of Rights? Has anyone taken the time to listen to the Supreme Court and it's decisions favoring the 1%? Did you know that the Supreme Court recently upheld a decision that gives a Corporation, the same rights as an individual? This allows a corporation to funnel money into a politicians political campaign, just like any private citizen, a fact that would have been very illegal a couple years ago. The lobbyists that run rampant all over Washington, carrying millions and tens of millions of dollars in bribes, er, graft, uhm... 'contribution' to the politician they most want to influence are a part of the problem. The ROOT of the problem is that we, the American people, are fast becoming an endangered species, and in our own environment, the USA! Wake stupid America! Wake up and educate yourself! Wake up and smell the blood in the air, your own, and do something before we can do nothing.

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

This is the same fight that was going on in 1774. They produced the Suffolk Resolves: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suffolk_Resolves

here's the contemporary equivalent: https://sites.google.com/site/the99percentdeclaration/

OWS has to finish reading the 1st Amendment, the part after peaceably assemble.

[-] 0 points by golum (46) 13 years ago

Deep thought, but lets cut to basics. USA is a worn out prison colony, convicts became worthless by 1820's so slaves were brought in, by 1880 slavery was banned and everybody made a slave. The UNIONS responded by 1890, and the status-quo (1%) created the modern police force's in the city's to destroy the unions. FORD ( auto ) printed 20M 'elders of zion', and Bush/Harriman brought HITLER to power, and the USA elite destroyed Europe, and grabbed the OIL. For 50 years following 1945 USA was fat dumb fully employed and happy. Now its time to create a new war in Europe and China, and expect the same outcome, but now USA has a problem, who is going to loan them the money for war? So they steal the OIL in Iraq, Iran, Libya, ... to get cash for WWIII. What's the future look like? Just like yesterday, more of the same. In 10 years there will either be a post-war recovery and happy days again, or the USA will fall into continual civil-war for decades as scavengers fight for scraps.